15 research outputs found

    A note on the singularity probability of random directed dd-regular graphs

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    In this note we show that the singular probability of the adjacency matrix of a random dd-regular graph on nn vertices, where dd is fixed and nn \to \infty, is bounded by n1/3+o(1)n^{-1/3+o(1)}. This improves a recent bound by Huang. Our method is based on the study of the singularity problem modulo a prime together with an inverse-type result on the decay of the characteristic function. The latter is related to the inverse Kneser's problem in combinatorics.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Cycle factors and renewal theory

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    For which values of kk does a uniformly chosen 33-regular graph GG on nn vertices typically contain n/k n/k vertex-disjoint kk-cycles (a kk-cycle factor)? To date, this has been answered for k=nk=n and for klognk \ll \log n; the former, the Hamiltonicity problem, was finally answered in the affirmative by Robinson and Wormald in 1992, while the answer in the latter case is negative since with high probability most vertices do not lie on kk-cycles. Here we settle the problem completely: the threshold for a kk-cycle factor in GG as above is κ0log2n\kappa_0 \log_2 n with κ0=[112log23]14.82\kappa_0=[1-\frac12\log_2 3]^{-1}\approx 4.82. Precisely, we prove a 2-point concentration result: if kκ0log2(2n/e)k \geq \kappa_0 \log_2(2n/e) divides nn then GG contains a kk-cycle factor w.h.p., whereas if k<κ0log2(2n/e)log2nnk<\kappa_0\log_2(2n/e)-\frac{\log^2 n}n then w.h.p. it does not. As a byproduct, we confirm the "Comb Conjecture," an old problem concerning the embedding of certain spanning trees in the random graph G(n,p)G(n,p). The proof follows the small subgraph conditioning framework, but the associated second moment analysis here is far more delicate than in any earlier use of this method and involves several novel features, among them a sharp estimate for tail probabilities in renewal processes without replacement which may be of independent interest.Comment: 45 page