802 research outputs found
American and British Tolstoy: Reception in the End of the 19th — Beginning of the 20th Centuries
L.N. Tolstoy’s works, having been introduced to the English-reading audience, immediately became an issue of active critical discussions. British and American readers got acquainted with them differently than Russian ones —publications didn’t follow the chronological order, his fictional and philosophical books appeared simultaneously; the process of cultural transfer inevitably fragmented his work, took it out of context, and the readers in Britain and the USA perceived Tolstoy’s works in accordance with his image formed at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Besides the linguistic cultural barriers (it was necessary to work with Russian realities, facts of Russian life, make them clearer for foreign readers), translators and critics faced with other challenges — for example, they were to bring Tolstoy’s work into the circle of topics and subjects familiar to the English — reading public. Tolstoy entered the English speaking culture as a symbol of realism, which however didn’t mean hard naturalism, but rather ethical and psychological realistic writing, especially taking into account the ongoing discussion on Zola’s novels. Tolstoy’s realism was treated as a universal one, based on the well-known cultural and spiritual values and therefore especially significant in spite of the exotic subject matter of his works. The didactic nature of his work, its powerful moral appeal was obvious and strongly sought for in the period of heated argument about the social system, the problems of the industrial society, gender relations, etc., — despite the fact that some episodes were incompatible with Victorian or Puritan attitudes and tastes of his English-speaking readers
The Complete Works of World Literature (Sekai Bungaku Zenshū, 1927–1932) by Shinchōsha publishing house in the context of the history of Japanese book
The last years of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s are known as the “era of one-yen books” in the history of Japanese book printing. One-yen books were serial subscription publications, with the price of one yen per volume. The first such publication was the Complete Works of Contemporary Japanese Literature (Kindai Nihon Bungaku Zenshū), launched by Kaizōsha publishing house in 1926. The series was very successful with at least 250,000 subscribers. The “one-yen editions race” was initiated: many publishing houses began releasing their own one-yen series as early as the following year. The most commercially successful among the one-yen books (at least 400,000 copies) was the Complete Works of World Literature (Sekai bungaku zenshū) published by the Shinchōsha publishing house in 1927–1932.
The Complete Works of World Literature consists of 57 volumes in two parts (38 volumes of the first part were published in 1927–1930, and then more 19 volumes were added, composing the second part of the publication). The books of the series had a hard cover and a thought-out design and were supposed to serve not only for reading, but also for the decoration of the house and the demonstration of the owner’s status.
The series represents one of the possible canons of world literature. The time frame of the presented works is from the 14th century (the first volume is Dante’s Divine comedy) to the present (the last volume contains six works, five of them written in the 1920s, while the volume was released in 1929). The series includes prose, drama, and, to a lesser extent, poetry. The volumes of the series have a fairly extensive apparatus (prefaces, comments in some volumes, portraits of authors, monthly attachments tucked into the pages of the volumes). World literature is presented as Western literature. Translations of the works of Western literature played an important role in the formation of national Japanese literature. The success of this series also demonstrated the readers’ great interest in literary translations, especially in the translations of modern literature
Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates and its 18th-century Serbian Translators from Greek
The article discusses the history of translation by the 18th-century Serbian translators of the Greek treatise “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” (“Rock of Offence”) written by the theologian and preacher Elias Meniates (1667–1714) in which he deals with the causes of interconfessional polemic between the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches. The history of these translations is placed within the context of interest in Meniates’ works, evidenced in Europe and in the Christian East throughout the 18th century. The vivid style and argumentation of Meniates inspired Stefan Pisarev, inter alia, to translate “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” into Russian, which he did in 1744. In the focus of our research are manuscripts stored in several Serbian libraries and archive collections, namely, manuscripts of “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” translations made by Jovan Mladenović (in 1742) and Vićentije Rakić (in 1797/98). In the study we present, the biographies of the two authors of these unpublished translations are traced and defined more accurately. At the final stage of the study, we correlate the historical settings and probable reasons motivating Mladenović and Rakić to make the Serbian translations of the Greek treatise “Πέτρα σκανδάλου”, on the one hand, and the factors leading to the emergence of a Russian translation of the same treatise by Pisarev, on the other. As believed by the author of this article, the aforementioned translations will serve as a valuable linguistic source for historians of Slavic languages and letters in their comparative studies
Греческий историко-догматический трактат Илии Миниатиса и его сербские переводчики XVIII века
The article discusses the history of translation by the 18th-century Serbian translators of the Greek treatise “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” (“Rock of Offence”) written by the theologian and preacher Elias Meniates (1667–1714) in which he deals with the causes of interconfessional polemic between the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches. The history of these translations is placed within the context of interest in Meniates’ works, evidenced in Europe and in the Christian East throughout the 18th century. The vivid style and argumentation of Meniates inspired Stefan Pisarev, inter alia, to translate “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” into Russian, which he did in 1744. In the focus of our research are manuscripts stored in several Serbian libraries and archive collections, namely, manuscripts of “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” translations made by Jovan Mladenović (in 1742) and Vićentije Rakić (in 1797/98). In the study we present, the biographies of the two authors of these unpublished translations are traced and defined more accurately. At the final stage of the study, we correlate the historical settings and probable reasons motivating Mladenović and Rakić to make the Serbian translations of the Greek treatise “Πέτρα σκανδάλου”, on the one hand, and the factors leading to the emergence of a Russian translation of the same treatise by Pisarev, on the other. As believed by the author of this article, the aforementioned translations will serve as a valuable linguistic source for historians of Slavic languages and letters in their comparative studies. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.6Статья посвящена исследованию истории создания сербскими переводчиками XVIII в. переложений с греческого языка трактата духовного писателя Илии Миниатиса (1667–1714) “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” («Камень соблазна») о причинах межконфессиональных разногласий православной и римско-католической Церквей. История этих переводов рассматривается в контексте интереса к сочинениям Миниатиса в Европе и на Христианском Востоке на протяжении XVIII века, вызвавшего, в частности, появление русского перевода “Πέτρα σκανδάλου”, созданного Стефаном Писаревым (1744). Основной предмет исследования — выявленные автором в различных рукописных собраниях Сербии списки переводов “Πέτρα σκανδάλου”, осуществленных Иоанном Младеновичем (1741) и Викентием Ракичем (1797/98). Прослежены и уточнены биографии авторов этих оставшихся неизданными переводов. В завершение статьи сопоставляются исторические обстоятельства и вероятные причины создания Младеновичем и Ракичем переводов “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” с факторами, приведшими к появлению русского перевода того же трактата Писаревым. Как полагает автор, комплекс этих переводов может послужить историкам славянских языков и литератур ценным лингвистическим источником для сопоставительного изучения. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.
Этика в университетской традиции в России XVIII- XIX вв.
Статья посвящена изучению и преподаванию этики в российских университета
Труды по русской и славянской филологии. VI
• Об изучении современной литературы в школе в свете решений XX и XXII съездов КПСС
• Ю. Лотман. - Тарутинский период Отечественной войны 1812 года и развитие русской литературы и общественной мысли
• Б. Ф. Егоров. - В. П. Боткин — литератор и критик
• Приложение : Библиография трудов В. П. Боткина
• П. С. Рейфман. Борьба в 1862-1863 годах вокруг романа И. С. Тургенева "Отцы и дети"
• С. Г. Исаков, М. Е. Алехина. - Русская литература в Эстонии в 1880-х гг.
• 3. Г. Минц. - Поэма А. А. Блока "Ее прибытие" и революция 1905 г.
• В. И. Беззубов. - А . Чехов и Л еонид Андреев
• А. Б. Правдин. - Конструкции с двойным винительным падежом в русском языке XVII века
• Е. Гурьева. - Объектные родительный и винительный падежи
• С. В. Смирнов. - Грамматическая система Ф. И. Буслаева
• С. А. Оленева. - Значение и употребление глагольных конструкций с творительным падежом в сопоставлении с эстонским языком
• Публикации и сообщения. - Материалы для изучения А. Н. Радищева и его окружения
• "Сочувственник" А. Н. Радищева А. М. Кутузов и его письма к И. П. Тургеневу. Вступительная статья Ю. Лотмана, подготовка текста и примечания В. В. Фурсенко
• Письма Алексея Михайловича Кутузова Ивану Петровичу Тургеневу
• Ю. Лотман. - Неизвестный читатель XVIII века о "Путешествии из Петербурга в Москву"
• Б. Ф. Егоров. - Отъезд В.П. Боткина в Испанию
• Б.Ф. Егоров. Материалы об Ап . Григорьеве из архива Н.Н. Страхова. Обзор, публикация и примечания Б. Ф. Егорова
• П. С. Рейфман. - Забытая статья о Т. Г. Шевченко
• "Нечто вроде комментарий к сказаниям Г. Аскоченского о Т. Г. Шевченке"
• В. Т. Адамс. - Воспоминания о Кареле Чапеке и Отокаре Фишере
• 3. Минц. - Е. Г. Полонская и её литературные воспоминания
• Приложения. Основные издания произведений Е. Г. Полонской
• Е. Г. Полонская . Из литературных воспоминании
• С. Г. Исаков. - Новые материалы о жизни и творчестве Н. М. Языкова дерптското периода
• Тийт-Рейн Вийтсо. - Об одной возможности описания фонологии русского языка
• Оглавлениеhttp://www.ester.ee/record=b4098592*es
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