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Влияниe Вальтера Скотта на историческую прозу А.С. Пушкина: „Роб Рой” и „Капитанская дочка”
This article analyses the influence of Sir Walter Scott’s historical fiction (Rob Roy) on the development of the historical novel in Russia in the first half of the 19th century, based on the example of Pushkin’s The Captain’s Daughter. The author argues that both Scott and Pushkin had a similar approach to their national and local history and collected historical material in the same way (through archival research and by contacting local people who had witnessed the events of the Jacobite Rebellion, 1715, and the Pugachev Rebellion, 1773–1775). A close analysis of both texts presents examples of a similar poetics of the narration, dialectal use of language and dialogue, and the use of local colour and folk elements, such as folk songs or old sayings, which serve as mottos for particular chapters in the novels.This article analyses the influence of Sir Walter Scott’s historical fiction (Rob Roy) on the development of the historical novel in Russia in the first half of the 19th century, based on the example of Pushkin’s The Captain’s Daughter. The author argues that both Scott and Pushkin had a similar approach to their national and local history and collected historical material in the same way (through archival research and by contacting local people who had witnessed the events of the Jacobite Rebellion, 1715, and the Pugachev Rebellion, 1773–1775). A close analysis of both texts presents examples of a similar poetics of the narration, dialectal use of language and dialogue, and the use of local colour and folk elements, such as folk songs or old sayings, which serve as mottos for particular chapters in the novels.This article analyses the influence of Sir Walter Scott’s historical fiction (Rob Roy) on the development of the historical novel in Russia in the first half of the 19th century, based on the example of Pushkin’s The Captain’s Daughter. The author argues that both Scott and Pushkin had a similar approach to their national and local history and collected historical material in the same way (through archival research and by contacting local people who had witnessed the events of the Jacobite Rebellion, 1715, and the Pugachev Rebellion, 1773–1775). A close analysis of both texts presents examples of a similar poetics of the narration, dialectal use of language and dialogue, and the use of local colour and folk elements, such as folk songs or old sayings, which serve as mottos for particular chapters in the novels
Methods of finding out author’s position in the novel "Captain’s Daughter" by A. Pushkin
В статье дается краткий обзор методических концепций изучения романа А. С. Пушкина "Капитанская дочка" в школе и предлагается система приемов выявления авторской позиции в произведении на этапах восприятия, анализа и интерпретации текста на уроке литературы, построенном как учебный диалог
История Урала (вторая половина XVII-XVIII в.)
Библиографический указатель посвящен истории Урала второй половины XVII-XVIII века. Содержит литературу и источники по теме, опубликованные с начала XVIII века до 1917 года на русском языке. Справочный аппарат включает именной и географический указатели. Книга предназначена для специалистов-историков, студентов, аспирантов, краеведов и всех тех, кто интересуется историей Урала
Роль совещания историков 1944 года в ЦК ВКП(б) в развитии советской историографии русской истории
Исследуется значение совещания историков в 1944 года в ЦК ВКП(б) в развитии концепции русской истории в советской историографииyesБелгородский государственный университе
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