704,926 research outputs found


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    The article discusses the terms that nominate the language of written artifacts documented by the Cyrillic on the Ukrainian-Byelorussian lands in the XIV-XVI centuries; the expediency of using the notion “literary language” as to the Ukrainian literary written tradition of the XIV–XVI centuries is clarified; the content of the term “linguistic norm” is outlined, its  characteristics in the investigated period are determined.В статье рассмотрены термины, которыми обозначают язык письменных памятников, задокументированных кириллицей на украинско-белорусских землях в XIV–XVI вв.; установлено целесообразность употребления термина «литературный язык» относительно украинского литературно-письменного языка XIV–XVI вв.; определено научное содержание термина «языковая норма», указано на особенности его употребления по отношению к текстам исследуемого периодаУ статті розглянуто терміни на позначення мови, якою були написані пам’ятки, створені на українсько-білоруських землях у XIV–XVI ст.; з’ясовано доцільність уживання терміна «літературна мова» щодо української літературно-писемної традиції XIV–XVI ст.; окреслено змістове наповнення терміна «мовна норма», визначено особливості його вживання щодо текстів досліджуваного період

    Book reviews: On commodifying intangibles

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    Book reviews of: 1) James Boyle, Shamans, Software, and Spleens: Law and the Construction of the Information Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. Pp. xvi, 270. 35.00(cloth),35.00 (cloth), 15.95 (paper). 2) Margaret Jane Radin, Contested Commodities. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. Pp. xiv, 279. $35.00

    Análisis de las pinturas murales de la capilla de los Santos Corporales de Daroca (Zaragoza)

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    La capilla de los Santos Corporales, ubicada en la Iglesia Colegial de Santa María de Daroca (Zaragoza), alberga una muestra importante de pintura mural medieval de los siglos XIV y XVI. Durante su reciente proceso de restauración, la Unidad de Arqueometría del I.C.M.U.V. ha analizado los pigmentos que inte gran sus pinturas murales. Se han efectuado análisis in situ de fluorescencia de rayos X dispersiva en energía (EDXRF) de una pintura mural que forma parte de un ábside románico del s. XIV, de un relieve que forma parte del retablo relicario cuya policromía data del XVI y de la decoración que se le dio a las bóvedas de las capillas del s. XVI. Adicionalmente se tomaron muestras de pigmentos procedentes de la bóveda del s. XIV que han sido analizadas mediante EDXRF, difracción de ra yos X (XRD) y microscopía electrónica de bamdo (SEM)

    Notícies històriques sobre el comerç de les plomes a les Illes Balears entre els segles XIV-XVI

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    [cat]A les Balears hi ha notes històriques disperses sobre el comerç de les plomes a Mallorca als s. XIV-XVI. En aquest article es donen a conèixer dades sobre plomes utilitàries i decoratives de Mallorca.[eng]In the Balearic Islands there are historical notes scattered about the commerce of feathers in Mallorca in the s. XIV-XVI. This article announces data on utility and decorative pens in Mallorca

    Expanded Iron UTA spectra -- probing the thermal stability limits in AGN clouds

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    The Fe unresolved transition array (UTAs) produce prominent features in the 15-17?A wavelength range in the spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Here we present new calculations of the energies and oscillator strengths of inner- shell lines from Fe XIV, Fe XV, and Fe XVI. These are crucial ions since they are dominant at inflection points in the gas thermal stability curve, and UTA excitation followed by autoionization is an important ionization mechanism for these species. We incorporate these, and data reported in previous papers, into the plasma simulation code Cloudy. This updated physics is subsequently employed to reconsider the thermally stable phases in absorbing media in Active Galactic Nuclei. We show how the absorption profile of the Fe XIV UTA depends on density, due to the changing populations of levels within the ground configuration.Comment: ApJ in pres

    Vajilla de madera y vajilla de barro en los siglos XIII y XIV

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    Vajilla de madera y vajilla de barro en los siglos XIII y XIV. En Al-Andalus, XVI. Madrid 195

    Nauja XIV–XVI amžiaus Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės sienų interpretacija

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    Apie Tomo Čelkio daktaro disertaciją „Valdžia ir erdvė: Lietuvos Didžiosios kunigaikštystės teritorializacijos procesas XIV–XVI a.“ ir jos gynim

    Statistical Re-examination of Reported Emission Lines in the X-ray Afterglow of GRB 011211

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    (abridged) A 0.2-12 keV spectrum obtained with the XMM EPIC/pn instrument of GRB 011211 was found by Reeves et al. (2002) to contain emission lines which were interpreted to be from Mg XI, Si XIV, S XVI, Ar XVIII, and Ca XX, at a lower redshift (z_{obs}=1.88) than the host galaxy (z_{host}=2.14). We examine the spectrum independently, and find that the claimed lines would not be discovered in a blind search. Specifically, Monte Carlo simulations show that they would be observed in 10% of featureless spectra with the same signal-to-noise. Imposing a model in which the two brightest lines would be Si XIV and S XVI K-alpha emission possibly velocity shifted to between z=1.88--2.40, such features would be found in between ~1.2-2.6% of observed featureless spectra. We find the detection significances to be insufficient to justify the claim of detection and the model put forth to explain them. K-alpha line complexes are also found at z=1.2 and z=2.75 of significance equal to or greater than that at z=1.88. If one adopts the z=1.88 complex as significant, one must also adopt the other two complexes to be significant. The interpretation of these data in the context of the model proposed by Reeves et al. is therefore degenerate, and cannot be resolved by these data alone.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. MNRAS, accepted. Expanded discussio

    Šv. Bonifacas XIV–XVI amžiuje arba „kamalduliškoji“ šv. Brunono Kverfurtiečio pažinimo tradicija

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    Straipsnis skirtas šv. Brunono Bonifaco Kverfurtiečio pažinimo XIV–XVI a. klausimui, atskleidžiant, kokiais šaltiniais remiantis ir kokia informacija buvo pasklidusi apie šį šventąjį Europoje