92,655 research outputs found

    Studio portrait of the brothers Sava and Aleksander Ognyanov

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    Full length shot of two young men, standing in front of a painted natural scene curtain. One of them is wearing a light urban suit, holding a hat and gloves in his right hand, the other is dressed in a dark suit.On the left: Sava Petrov Ognyanov (1876 - 1933) - a prominent Bulgarian actor. On the right: Aleksander Ognyanov (1884 - 1953), a Bulgarian lawyer, Chairman of the Bulgarian Supreme Bar Council (1919 - 1923), Director of the Police of Sofia (1937) and Minister of Justice (1937 - 1938)


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    愛國反帝運動和新文化運動所引起的批評傳統、關心社會、強調民主思想和科學精神的思潮,一直被認為是五四傳統的基調。發展到三、四十年代,由於抗戰的影響,有「救亡」壓倒「啟蒙」的趨勢,而在1949年後,在兩岸三地中,香港正因為特殊的政治位置,成為言論相對自由的地帶。在這個直接政治干預相對較少的背景下,李晨風在五、六十年代主動改編多部五四傳統 的文學作品,繼承五四精神,實在值得深入研究。李晨風在的改編中, 藉著周蕙和高淑英的對比, 強調五四時期「個人」與「家庭」間的對立,以突出反傳統、反家庭的望題。至於的改編,李晨風在原有的戰爭背景下, 加強了對戰爭的控訴,使戰爭成為所有不幸事情的原兇。另外,又一改曾發生的形象,把她改寫成完美的媳婦,讓白燕保持一貫正面形象之餘,為新式女性在「經濟自主」與「家庭倫理」之間得到協調的空間。李晨風的改編電影,改寫了小翠的悲劇命運,比曹禺原著中對「希望」的暗示表露得更清楚。 其他改編五四時間流行的外國翻譯作品如托爾斯泰的著作,更能看到他對關懷社會的有一種執著。甚至其他並非直接與五四主題有關的電影作品中,亦可以見到李晨風批評軍閥、讚揚革命、追求個性自由的思想

    An annotated bibliography on the biology and fishery of the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonis pelamis, of the Pacific Ocean

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    ENGLISH: The skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis is an important resource of the tropical and subtropical waters of the world ocean. Fishermen of many countries exploit this resource; at the present time, the annual world catch is approximately 200 thousand metric tons. Many fishery experts believe that the skipjack is not being fully utilized while stocks of other tunas are being fished, in some areas, at levels exceeding their maximum sustainable yields. In addition to the importance of skipjack as a commercial fish and as a source of food, there is a small but expanding recreational fishery in some countries bordering the Pacific. This bibliography provides a list of publications pertaining to the biology and fishery of the Pacific skipjack tuna. Papers concerned with food technology, food chemistry, radio-chemistry, and certain other subjects are excluded. The main sources for our publication have been the existing bibliographies of tunas, which are listed and indexed accordingly. In addition, reports of various marine laboratories and other scientific organizations have been checked; these are too numerous to list. We are fairly confident that all major works pertaining to skipjack tuna in the Pacific, printed prior to the end of 1966, appear in this bibliography. Only reports considered to be in permanent form are included. Annotations are based on actual examination of each of the entries listed here. The annotations do not evaluate a paper but serve rather to give a more precise idea of its contents if not revealed by the title alone. If the title sufficed in this respect, no annotation was prepared. A relatively small number of works believed to contain information pertinent to our bibliography could not be examined, but a list of such papers is provided. SPANISH: El atún barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, es un recurso importante de las aguas tropicales y subtropicales del océano mundial. Los pescadores de varios países explotan este recurso; actualmente, la captura mundial anual es aproximadamente de 200,000 toneladas métricas. Muchos expertos en la pesquería creen que el barrilete no es utilizado completamente, mientras los stocks de otros atunes son pescados en algunas áreas a niveles que exceden su rendimiento máximo sostenible. Además de la importancia del barrilete como pez comercial y como fuente de alimento, existe una pesquería pequeña recreativa que se está desarrollando en algunos países colindantes con el Pacífico. Esta bibliografía suministra una lista de publicaciones correspondientes a la biología y pesquería del atún barrilete en el Pacífico. Estudios referentes a la tecnología alimenticia, química alimenticia, radioquímica y ciertos otros sujetos son excluídos. Las fuentes principales correspondientes a nuestra publicación han sido las bibliografías existentes sobre atunes, las cuales están enumeradas y catalogadas de acuerdo. Además, se han examinado los informes de varios laboratorios marítimos y los de otras organizaciones científicas; éstos son demasiado numerosos para enumerar. Estamos bastante seguros de que todos los trabajos principales correspondientes al atún barrilete del Pacífico, editados antes de terminar el año de 1966, aparecen en esta bibliografía. Se incluyen únicamente los informes que se consideran permanentes. Las anotaciones se basan en el examen actual de cada una de las entradas aquí referidas. Las anotaciones no evaluan un estudio, pero sirven más bien para dar una idea más precisa de su contenido si el título por sí mismo no lo explica. No se preparó ninguna anotación si el título a este respecto era suficiente. Un número relativamente pequeño de trabajos que se cree tengan información pertinente a nuestra bibliografía no pudo ser examinado, pero se suministra una lista de tales estudios. (PDF contains 227 pages.

    An Agricultural Time Series-Cross Section Data Set

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    The Agricultural Time Series-Cross Section (ATICS) dataset described in this Working Paper is based on the annual crop and livestock statistics collected by the United States Department of Agriculture. These statistics, scattered through a wide assortment of published and unpublished USDA bulletins and circulars, are extensive in their coverage of the agricultural sector, are highly disaggregated, and span a time period over one hundred years in length. Yet these rich sources have never been unified into a single compilation of data which is accessible, uniform, and machine readable. The ATICS dataset is an attempt to fill this gap.