94 research outputs found
Дискурс жіночого характеротворення у кіноповісті О. Довженка "Зачарована Десна" (До 120-річчя від дня народження Олександра Довженка)
У статті розглядаються жіночі образи, створені О. Довженком у його автобіографічній кіноповісті «Зачарована Десна». Акцентується увага на неабиякій майстерності митця при змалюванні художніх портретів його матері й прабаби. Автором розвідки пропонується власна типологія жіночих характерів даного твору.
При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34990В статье рассматриваются женские образы, созданные А. Довженко в его автобиографической киноповести «Зачарованная Десна». Акцентируется внимание на невероятном мастерстве писателя при изображении портретов его матери и прабабки. Автором статьи предлагается собственная типология женских характеров данного произведения.
При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34990The article deals with female characters created by Oleksandr Dovzhenko in his autobiographical film-story “Charmed Desna”. The exceptional skill of the artist in the depiction of artistic portraits of his mother and great-grandmother is stressed. The author’s own typology of female characters of this work is proposed.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3499
Images of Food and Drinks as Part of Mythopoetic Image of City in Vladivostok Text (by Example of Novel by I. Lagutenko, V. Avchenko “Vladivostok-3000”)
The article is devoted to the analysis of “food and drinks” symbols used by the authors of urban literary texts in reconstruction of the mythopoetic image of Vladivostok. The novel “Vladivostok-3000” is investigated. The authors consider it as one of the works about Vladivostok, for which the concept of “Vladivostok text” is used, based in turn on the concept of “local text” accepted in the scientific literature. The basic thesis is that one of the characteristics of local (regional, provincial) texts is their myth-generating function - the creation of mythological space, which reflects the features of the region. The novelty of the research is that the images of food and drinks has not been considered before as an element of the Vladivostok text, involved in the formation of the mythopoetic image of the city. On the basis of the novel “Vladivostok-3000,” all language units denoting food and drinks were singled out. The role of the corresponding images in the text is defined: products, dishes and drinks are a marker of the own and others; they act as a means of transformation of the hero; give him strength; symbolically fasten relations between characters; they are part of etiquette; become a bright marker of the fantastic space created by the authors. It is concluded that the images of food and drinks play an important role in the artistic transfer of the specificity of the city (real Vladivostok and fictional Vladivostok-3000), being a necessary element of the Vladivostok text
Semantics of Space in the Artistic Picture of the World of O. F. Bergholz
The organization of space in the writer’s work is a key to understanding of the writer’s worldview.The poetics of space in the literary heritage of the Leningrad poetess O. F. Bergholz has not yet beenconsidered. The purpose of the article is to reveal the meaning-forming role of images of “home” (closedspace), “path” (open space), “threshold”, “gate”, “window” (border space) and the besieged Leningrad (extremespace) in the artistic picture of the world of the poet.В статье рассматривается смыслообразующая роль образов "дома", "пути", "окна", "блокадный Ленинград" в художественной картине мира поэтессы
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