11 research outputs found

    Constacyclic codes of length 4ps4p^s over the Galois ring GR(pa,m)GR(p^a,m)

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    For prime pp, GR(pa,m)GR(p^a,m) represents the Galois ring of order pamp^{am} and characterise pp, where aa is any positive integer. In this article, we study the Type (1) λ\lambda-constacyclic codes of length 4ps4p^s over the ring GR(pa,m)GR(p^a,m), where λ=ξ0+pξ1+p2z\lambda=\xi_0+p\xi_1+p^2z, ξ0,ξ1∈T(p,m)\xi_0,\xi_1\in T(p,m) are nonzero elements and z∈GR(pa,m)z\in GR(p^a,m). In first case, when λ\lambda is a square, we show that any ideal of Rp(a,m,λ)=GR(pa,m)[x]⟨x4ps−λ⟩\mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda)=\frac{GR(p^a,m)[x]}{\langle x^{4p^s}-\lambda\rangle} is the direct sum of the ideals of GR(pa,m)[x]⟨x2ps−δ⟩\frac{GR(p^a,m)[x]}{\langle x^{2p^s}-\delta\rangle} and GR(pa,m)[x]⟨x2ps+δ⟩\frac{GR(p^a,m)[x]}{\langle x^{2p^s}+\delta\rangle}. In second, when λ\lambda is not a square, we show that Rp(a,m,λ)\mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda) is a chain ring whose ideals are ⟨(x4−α)i⟩⊆Rp(a,m,λ)\langle (x^4-\alpha)^i\rangle\subseteq \mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda), for 0≤i≤aps0\leq i\leq ap^s where αps=ξ0\alpha^{p^s}=\xi_0. Also, we prove the dual of the above code is ⟨(x4−α−1)aps−i⟩⊆Rp(a,m,λ−1)\langle (x^4-\alpha^{-1})^{ap^s-i}\rangle\subseteq \mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda^{-1}) and present the necessary and sufficient condition for these codes to be self-orthogonal and self-dual, respectively. Moreover, the Rosenbloom-Tsfasman (RT) distance, Hamming distance and weight distribution of Type (1) λ\lambda-constacyclic codes of length 4ps4p^s are obtained when λ\lambda is not a square.Comment: This article has 18 pages and ready to submit in a journa