2 research outputs found

    Modeling Mutual Influence in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    In multi-agent systems (MAS), agents rarely act in isolation but tend to achieve their goals through interactions with other agents. To be able to achieve their ultimate goals, individual agents should actively evaluate the impacts on themselves of other agents' behaviors before they decide which actions to take. The impacts are reciprocal, and it is of great interest to model the mutual influence of agent's impacts with one another when they are observing the environment or taking actions in the environment. In this thesis, assuming that the agents are aware of each other's existence and their potential impact on themselves, I develop novel multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) methods that can measure the mutual influence between agents to shape learning. The first part of this thesis outlines the framework of recursive reasoning in deep multi-agent reinforcement learning. I hypothesize that it is beneficial for each agent to consider how other agents react to their behavior. I start from Probabilistic Recursive Reasoning (PR2) using level-1 reasoning and adopt variational Bayes methods to approximate the opponents' conditional policies. Each agent shapes the individual Q-value by marginalizing the conditional policies in the joint Q-value and finding the best response to improving their policies. I further extend PR2 to Generalized Recursive Reasoning (GR2) with different hierarchical levels of rationality. GR2 enables agents to possess various levels of thinking ability, thereby allowing higher-level agents to best respond to less sophisticated learners. The first part of the thesis shows that eliminating the joint Q-value to an individual Q-value via explicitly recursive reasoning would benefit the learning. In the second part of the thesis, in reverse, I measure the mutual influence by approximating the joint Q-value based on the individual Q-values. I establish Q-DPP, an extension of the Determinantal Point Process (DPP) with partition constraints, and apply it to multi-agent learning as a function approximator for the centralized value function. An attractive property of using Q-DPP is that when it reaches the optimum value, it can offer a natural factorization of the centralized value function, representing both quality (maximizing reward) and diversity (different behaviors). In the third part of the thesis, I depart from the action-level mutual influence and build a policy-space meta-game to analyze agents' relationship between adaptive policies. I present a Multi-Agent Trust Region Learning (MATRL) algorithm that augments single-agent trust region policy optimization with a weak stable fixed point approximated by the policy-space meta-game. The algorithm aims to find a game-theoretic mechanism to adjust the policy optimization steps that force the learning of all agents toward the stable point

    Many-agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) solves the problem of how each agent should behave optimally in a stochastic environment in which multiple agents are learning simultaneously. It is an interdisciplinary domain with a long history that lies in the joint area of psychology, control theory, game theory, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. Following the remarkable success of the AlphaGO series in single-agent RL, 2019 was a booming year that witnessed significant advances in multi-agent RL techniques; impressive breakthroughs have been made on developing AIs that outperform humans on many challenging tasks, especially multi-player video games. Nonetheless, one of the key challenges of multi-agent RL techniques is the scalability; it is still non-trivial to design efficient learning algorithms that can solve tasks including far more than two agents (N≫2N \gg 2), which I name by \emph{many-agent reinforcement learning} (MARL\footnote{I use the world of ``MARL" to denote multi-agent reinforcement learning with a particular focus on the cases of many agents; otherwise, it is denoted as ``Multi-Agent RL" by default.}) problems. In this thesis, I contribute to tackling MARL problems from four aspects. Firstly, I offer a self-contained overview of multi-agent RL techniques from a game-theoretical perspective. This overview fills the research gap that most of the existing work either fails to cover the recent advances since 2010 or does not pay adequate attention to game theory, which I believe is the cornerstone to solving many-agent learning problems. Secondly, I develop a tractable policy evaluation algorithm -- αα\alpha^\alpha-Rank -- in many-agent systems. The critical advantage of αα\alpha^\alpha-Rank is that it can compute the solution concept of α\alpha-Rank tractably in multi-player general-sum games with no need to store the entire pay-off matrix. This is in contrast to classic solution concepts such as Nash equilibrium which is known to be PPADPPAD-hard in even two-player cases. αα\alpha^\alpha-Rank allows us, for the first time, to practically conduct large-scale multi-agent evaluations. Thirdly, I introduce a scalable policy learning algorithm -- mean-field MARL -- in many-agent systems. The mean-field MARL method takes advantage of the mean-field approximation from physics, and it is the first provably convergent algorithm that tries to break the curse of dimensionality for MARL tasks. With the proposed algorithm, I report the first result of solving the Ising model and multi-agent battle games through a MARL approach. Fourthly, I investigate the many-agent learning problem in open-ended meta-games (i.e., the game of a game in the policy space). Specifically, I focus on modelling the behavioural diversity in meta-games, and developing algorithms that guarantee to enlarge diversity during training. The proposed metric based on determinantal point processes serves as the first mathematically rigorous definition for diversity. Importantly, the diversity-aware learning algorithms beat the existing state-of-the-art game solvers in terms of exploitability by a large margin. On top of the algorithmic developments, I also contribute two real-world applications of MARL techniques. Specifically, I demonstrate the great potential of applying MARL to study the emergent population dynamics in nature, and model diverse and realistic interactions in autonomous driving. Both applications embody the prospect that MARL techniques could achieve huge impacts in the real physical world, outside of purely video games