757 research outputs found

    The geometry of a bi-Lagrangian manifold

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    This is a survey on bi-Lagrangian manifolds, which are symplectic manifolds endowed with two transversal Lagrangian foliations. We also study the non-integrable case (i.e., a symplectic manifold endowed with two transversal Lagrangian distributions). We show that many different geometric structures can be attached to these manifolds and we carefully analyse the associated connections. Moreover, we introduce the problem of the intersection of two leaves, one of each foliation, through a point and show a lot of significative examples.Comment: 30 page

    Asymptotics for general connections at infinity

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    For a standard path of connections going to a generic point at infinity in the moduli space MDRM_{DR} of connections on a compact Riemann surface, we show that the Laplace transform of the family of monodromy matrices has an analytic continuation with locally finite branching. In particular the convex subset representing the exponential growth rate of the monodromy is a polygon, whose vertices are in a subset of points described explicitly in terms of the spectral curve. Unfortunately we don't get any information about the size of the singularities of the Laplace transform, which is why we can't get asymptotic expansions for the monodromy.Comment: My talk at the Ramis conference, Toulouse, September 200

    Special Geometry of Euclidean Supersymmetry III: the local r-map, instantons and black holes

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    We define and study projective special para-Kahler manifolds and show that they appear as target manifolds when reducing five-dimensional vector multiplets coupled to supergravity with respect to time. The dimensional reductions with respect to time and space are carried out in a uniform way using an epsilon-complex notation. We explain the relation of our formalism to other formalisms of special geometry used in the literature. In the second part of the paper we investigate instanton solutions and their dimensional lifting to black holes. We show that the instanton action, which can be defined after dualising axions into tensor fields, agrees with the ADM mass of the corresponding black hole. The relation between actions via Wick rotation, Hodge dualisation and analytic continuation of axions is discussed.Comment: 72 pages, 2 figure
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