24 research outputs found

    (Nearly) Sample-Optimal Sparse Fourier Transform in Any Dimension; RIPless and Filterless

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    In this paper, we consider the extensively studied problem of computing a kk-sparse approximation to the dd-dimensional Fourier transform of a length nn signal. Our algorithm uses O(klog⁑klog⁑n)O(k \log k \log n) samples, is dimension-free, operates for any universe size, and achieves the strongest β„“βˆž/β„“2\ell_\infty/\ell_2 guarantee, while running in a time comparable to the Fast Fourier Transform. In contrast to previous algorithms which proceed either via the Restricted Isometry Property or via filter functions, our approach offers a fresh perspective to the sparse Fourier Transform problem

    A hybrid Fourier-Prony method

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    The FFT algorithm that implements the discrete Fourier transform is considered one of the top ten algorithms of the 2020th century. Its main strengths are the low computational cost of O(nlog⁑n\mathcal{O}(n \log n) and its stability. It is one of the most commonly used algorithms to analyze signals with a dense frequency representation. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in sparse signal representations and a need for algorithms that exploit such structure. We propose a new technique that combines the properties of the discrete Fourier transform with the sparsity of the signal. This is achieved by integrating ideas of Prony's method into Fourier's method. The resulting technique has the same frequency resolution as the original FFT algorithm but uses fewer samples and can achieve a lower computational cost. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is well suited for a parallel implementation

    Thwarting Adversarial Examples: An L0L_0-RobustSparse Fourier Transform

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    We give a new algorithm for approximating the Discrete Fourier transform of an approximately sparse signal that has been corrupted by worst-case L0L_0 noise, namely a bounded number of coordinates of the signal have been corrupted arbitrarily. Our techniques generalize to a wide range of linear transformations that are used in data analysis such as the Discrete Cosine and Sine transforms, the Hadamard transform, and their high-dimensional analogs. We use our algorithm to successfully defend against well known L0L_0 adversaries in the setting of image classification. We give experimental results on the Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack (JSMA) and the Carlini Wagner (CW) L0L_0 attack on the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets as well as the Adversarial Patch on the ImageNet dataset.Comment: Accepted at 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018), Montr\'eal, Canad

    Solving Empirical Risk Minimization in the Current Matrix Multiplication Time

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    Many convex problems in machine learning and computer science share the same form: \begin{align*} \min_{x} \sum_{i} f_i( A_i x + b_i), \end{align*} where fif_i are convex functions on Rni\mathbb{R}^{n_i} with constant nin_i, Ai∈RniΓ—dA_i \in \mathbb{R}^{n_i \times d}, bi∈Rnib_i \in \mathbb{R}^{n_i} and βˆ‘ini=n\sum_i n_i = n. This problem generalizes linear programming and includes many problems in empirical risk minimization. In this paper, we give an algorithm that runs in time \begin{align*} O^* ( ( n^{\omega} + n^{2.5 - \alpha/2} + n^{2+ 1/6} ) \log (n / \delta) ) \end{align*} where Ο‰\omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication, Ξ±\alpha is the dual exponent of matrix multiplication, and Ξ΄\delta is the relative accuracy. Note that the runtime has only a log dependence on the condition numbers or other data dependent parameters and these are captured in Ξ΄\delta. For the current bound Ο‰βˆΌ2.38\omega \sim 2.38 [Vassilevska Williams'12, Le Gall'14] and α∼0.31\alpha \sim 0.31 [Le Gall, Urrutia'18], our runtime Oβˆ—(nΟ‰log⁑(n/Ξ΄))O^* ( n^{\omega} \log (n / \delta)) matches the current best for solving a dense least squares regression problem, a special case of the problem we consider. Very recently, [Alman'18] proved that all the current known techniques can not give a better Ο‰\omega below 2.1682.168 which is larger than our 2+1/62+1/6. Our result generalizes the very recent result of solving linear programs in the current matrix multiplication time [Cohen, Lee, Song'19] to a more broad class of problems. Our algorithm proposes two concepts which are different from [Cohen, Lee, Song'19] : βˆ™\bullet We give a robust deterministic central path method, whereas the previous one is a stochastic central path which updates weights by a random sparse vector. βˆ™\bullet We propose an efficient data-structure to maintain the central path of interior point methods even when the weights update vector is dense

    Tighter Fourier Transform Complexity Tradeoffs

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    The Fourier Transform is one of the most important linear transformations used in science and engineering. Cooley and Tukey's Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) from 1964 is a method for computing this transformation in time O(nlog⁑n)O(n\log n). Achieving a matching lower bound in a reasonable computational model is one of the most important open problems in theoretical computer science. In 2014, improving on his previous work, Ailon showed that if an algorithm speeds up the FFT by a factor of b=b(n)β‰₯1b=b(n)\geq 1, then it must rely on computing, as an intermediate "bottleneck" step, a linear mapping of the input with condition number Ξ©(b(n))\Omega(b(n)). Our main result shows that a factor bb speedup implies existence of not just one but Ξ©(n)\Omega(n) bb-ill conditioned bottlenecks occurring at Ξ©(n)\Omega(n) different steps, each causing information from independent (orthogonal) components of the input to either overflow or underflow. This provides further evidence that beating FFT is hard. Our result also gives the first quantitative tradeoff between computation speed and information loss in Fourier computation on fixed word size architectures. The main technical result is an entropy analysis of the Fourier transform under transformations of low trace, which is interesting in its own right

    Learning Long Term Dependencies via Fourier Recurrent Units

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    It is a known fact that training recurrent neural networks for tasks that have long term dependencies is challenging. One of the main reasons is the vanishing or exploding gradient problem, which prevents gradient information from propagating to early layers. In this paper we propose a simple recurrent architecture, the Fourier Recurrent Unit (FRU), that stabilizes the gradients that arise in its training while giving us stronger expressive power. Specifically, FRU summarizes the hidden states h(t)h^{(t)} along the temporal dimension with Fourier basis functions. This allows gradients to easily reach any layer due to FRU's residual learning structure and the global support of trigonometric functions. We show that FRU has gradient lower and upper bounds independent of temporal dimension. We also show the strong expressivity of sparse Fourier basis, from which FRU obtains its strong expressive power. Our experimental study also demonstrates that with fewer parameters the proposed architecture outperforms other recurrent architectures on many tasks

    Fast and Efficient Sparse 2D Discrete Fourier Transform using Sparse-Graph Codes

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    We present a novel algorithm, named the 2D-FFAST, to compute a sparse 2D-Discrete Fourier Transform (2D-DFT) featuring both low sample complexity and low computational complexity. The proposed algorithm is based on mixed concepts from signal processing (sub-sampling and aliasing), coding theory (sparse-graph codes) and number theory (Chinese-remainder-theorem) and generalizes the 1D-FFAST 2 algorithm recently proposed by Pawar and Ramchandran [1] to the 2D setting. Concretely, our proposed 2D-FFAST algorithm computes a k-sparse 2D-DFT, with a uniformly random support, of size N = Nx x Ny using O(k) noiseless spatial-domain measurements in O(k log k) computational time. Our results are attractive when the sparsity is sub-linear with respect to the signal dimension, that is, when k -> infinity and k/N -> 0. For the case when the spatial-domain measurements are corrupted by additive noise, our 2D-FFAST framework extends to a noise-robust version in sub-linear time of O(k log4 N ) using O(k log3 N ) measurements. Simulation results, on synthetic images as well as real-world magnetic resonance images, are provided in Section VII and demonstrate the empirical performance of the proposed 2D-FFAST algorithm

    A sparse multidimensional FFT for real positive vectors

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    We present a sparse multidimensional FFT (sMFFT) randomized algorithm for real positive vectors. The algorithm works in any fixed dimension, requires (O(R log(R) log(N)) ) samples and runs in O( R log^2(R) log(N)) complexity (where N is the total size of the vector in d dimensions and R is the number of nonzeros). It is stable to low-level noise and exhibits an exponentially small probability of failure.Comment: Fixed minor typos. Corrected use of Q^{-1} in Algorithm 3 and theore

    Deterministic Sparse Fourier Transform with an ell_infty Guarantee

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    In this paper we revisit the deterministic version of the Sparse Fourier Transform problem, which asks to read only a few entries of x∈Cnx \in \mathbb{C}^n and design a recovery algorithm such that the output of the algorithm approximates x^\hat x, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of xx. The randomized case has been well-understood, while the main work in the deterministic case is that of Merhi et al.\@ (J Fourier Anal Appl 2018), which obtains O(k2logβ‘βˆ’1kβ‹…log⁑5.5n)O(k^2 \log^{-1}k \cdot \log^{5.5}n) samples and a similar runtime with the β„“2/β„“1\ell_2/\ell_1 guarantee. We focus on the stronger β„“βˆž/β„“1\ell_{\infty}/\ell_1 guarantee and the closely related problem of incoherent matrices. We list our contributions as follows. 1. We find a deterministic collection of O(k2log⁑n)O(k^2 \log n) samples for the β„“βˆž/β„“1\ell_\infty/\ell_1 recovery in time O(nklog⁑2n)O(nk \log^2 n), and a deterministic collection of O(k2log⁑2n)O(k^2 \log^2 n) samples for the β„“βˆž/β„“1\ell_\infty/\ell_1 sparse recovery in time O(k2log⁑3n)O(k^2 \log^3n). 2. We give new deterministic constructions of incoherent matrices that are row-sampled submatrices of the DFT matrix, via a derandomization of Bernstein's inequality and bounds on exponential sums considered in analytic number theory. Our first construction matches a previous randomized construction of Nelson, Nguyen and Woodruff (RANDOM'12), where there was no constraint on the form of the incoherent matrix. Our algorithms are nearly sample-optimal, since a lower bound of Ξ©(k2+klog⁑n)\Omega(k^2 + k \log n) is known, even for the case where the sensing matrix can be arbitrarily designed. A similar lower bound of Ξ©(k2log⁑n/log⁑k)\Omega(k^2 \log n/ \log k) is known for incoherent matrices.Comment: ICALP 2020--presentation improved according to reviewers' comment

    Stronger L2/L2 Compressed Sensing; Without Iterating

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    We consider the extensively studied problem of β„“2/β„“2\ell_2/\ell_2 compressed sensing. The main contribution of our work is an improvement over [Gilbert, Li, Porat and Strauss, STOC 2010] with faster decoding time and significantly smaller column sparsity, answering two open questions of the aforementioned work. Previous work on sublinear-time compressed sensing employed an iterative procedure, recovering the heavy coordinates in phases. We completely depart from that framework, and give the first sublinear-time β„“2/β„“2\ell_2/\ell_2 scheme which achieves the optimal number of measurements without iterating; this new approach is the key step to our progress. Towards that, we satisfy the β„“2/β„“2\ell_2/\ell_2 guarantee by exploiting the heaviness of coordinates in a way that was not exploited in previous work. Via our techniques we obtain improved results for various sparse recovery tasks, and indicate possible further applications to problems in the field, to which the aforementioned iterative procedure creates significant obstructions