5 research outputs found

    "My Way of Telling a Story": Persona based Grounded Story Generation

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    Visual storytelling is the task of generating stories based on a sequence of images. Inspired by the recent works in neural generation focusing on controlling the form of text, this paper explores the idea of generating these stories in different personas. However, one of the main challenges of performing this task is the lack of a dataset of visual stories in different personas. Having said that, there are independent datasets for both visual storytelling and annotated sentences for various persona. In this paper we describe an approach to overcome this by getting labelled persona data from a different task and leveraging those annotations to perform persona based story generation. We inspect various ways of incorporating personality in both the encoder and the decoder representations to steer the generation in the target direction. To this end, we propose five models which are incremental extensions to the baseline model to perform the task at hand. In our experiments we use five different personas to guide the generation process. We find that the models based on our hypotheses perform better at capturing words while generating stories in the target persona

    Narrative Interpolation for Generating and Understanding Stories

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    We propose a method for controlled narrative/story generation where we are able to guide the model to produce coherent narratives with user-specified target endings by interpolation: for example, we are told that Jim went hiking and at the end Jim needed to be rescued, and we want the model to incrementally generate steps along the way. The core of our method is an interpolation model based on GPT-2 which conditions on a previous sentence and a next sentence in a narrative and fills in the gap. Additionally, a reranker helps control for coherence of the generated text. With human evaluation, we show that ending-guided generation results in narratives which are coherent, faithful to the given ending guide, and require less manual effort on the part of the human guide writer than past approaches

    Topic Adaptation and Prototype Encoding for Few-Shot Visual Storytelling

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    Visual Storytelling~(VIST) is a task to tell a narrative story about a certain topic according to the given photo stream. The existing studies focus on designing complex models, which rely on a huge amount of human-annotated data. However, the annotation of VIST is extremely costly and many topics cannot be covered in the training dataset due to the long-tail topic distribution. In this paper, we focus on enhancing the generalization ability of the VIST model by considering the few-shot setting. Inspired by the way humans tell a story, we propose a topic adaptive storyteller to model the ability of inter-topic generalization. In practice, we apply the gradient-based meta-learning algorithm on multi-modal seq2seq models to endow the model the ability to adapt quickly from topic to topic. Besides, We further propose a prototype encoding structure to model the ability of intra-topic derivation. Specifically, we encode and restore the few training story text to serve as a reference to guide the generation at inference time. Experimental results show that topic adaptation and prototype encoding structure mutually bring benefit to the few-shot model on BLEU and METEOR metric. The further case study shows that the stories generated after few-shot adaptation are more relative and expressive.Comment: ACM Multimedia 202

    Exploring Controllable Text Generation Techniques

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    Neural controllable text generation is an important area gaining attention due to its plethora of applications. Although there is a large body of prior work in controllable text generation, there is no unifying theme. In this work, we provide a new schema of the pipeline of the generation process by classifying it into five modules. The control of attributes in the generation process requires modification of these modules. We present an overview of different techniques used to perform the modulation of these modules. We also provide an analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques. We further pave ways to develop new architectures based on the combination of the modules described in this paper.Comment: Will be published at COLING 202

    Politeness Transfer: A Tag and Generate Approach

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    This paper introduces a new task of politeness transfer which involves converting non-polite sentences to polite sentences while preserving the meaning. We also provide a dataset of more than 1.39 instances automatically labeled for politeness to encourage benchmark evaluations on this new task. We design a tag and generate pipeline that identifies stylistic attributes and subsequently generates a sentence in the target style while preserving most of the source content. For politeness as well as five other transfer tasks, our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on automatic metrics for content preservation, with a comparable or better performance on style transfer accuracy. Additionally, our model surpasses existing methods on human evaluations for grammaticality, meaning preservation and transfer accuracy across all the six style transfer tasks. The data and code is located at https://github.com/tag-and-generate.Comment: To appear at ACL 202