21 research outputs found

    Frustration-Aggression Theory

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    Frustration-aggression theory, also known as the frustration-aggression hypothesis, is one of the most seminal theories in aggression research. Since it was first formulated in the late 1930s, it has been applied and studied in many fields, including psychology, ethnology, sociology, and criminology. While there have been several reformulations, additions, and changes, the basic assumption of the frustration-aggression hypothesis is still that frustration, typically understood as an event instead of an emotion, increases the tendency to act or react aggressively. A substantial proportion of the research has dealt with the identification of boundary conditions or moderators and mediators of the causal path from frustration to aggression. Irrespective of these refinements and modifications, there is ample empirical evidence for the existence of this effect and, despite a decline in the overall number of publications that refer to it, frustration-aggression theory has recently found novel applications in particular areas, such as media psychology

    More Than Stories With Buttons: Narrative, Mechanics, and Context as Determinants of Player Experience in Digital Games

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    Recent research has attempted to describe meaningful experiences with entertainment media that go beyond hedonic enjoyment. Most of this research focuses on noninteractive media, such as film and television. When applied to digital games, however, such research needs to account for not only the content of the medium, but also the unique dimensions of digital games that distinguish them from noninteractive media. Experiences with digital games are shaped by the game mechanics that define the users' interaction with game content, as well as by the opportunities for social interaction that many games offer. We argue that the complex interplay of these dimensions (narrative, mechanics, and context) facilitates or inhibits meaningful user experiences in ways that are unique to digital games

    Typology of Video Gamers in Croatia: Some Socio-Cultural Characteristics

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    U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati analize internetskog anketnog istraživanja gamera i gamerica u Hrvatskoj (N = 3251) provedenog 2014. godine. Teorijski dio rada problematizira pristup mapiranju tipologije gamerskih profila, ali i samu definiciju gamera i konceptualizaciju onoga što gamerska kultura predstavlja, oslanjajući se pritom prvenstveno na odgovarajuće sociološke perspektive (Crawford, 2011). Posebno se ističe važnost proširenja standardnih sociodemografskih karakteristika na dodatne sociokulturne karakteristike gamera kako bi se uspostavila preciznija klasifikacija istraživane populacije. U metodološkom dijelu opisuje se struktura istraživačkog instrumenta te metoda klasteranalize preko koje je napravljena tipologija gamerskih profila u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati klasterske analize ukazuju na postojanje 6 tipova gamera grupiranih prema žanrovskim preferencijama te na razlike među njima s obzirom na razinu samoidentifikacije s gamerskom kulturom, s obzirom na identitet, intenzitet igranja, prakse participacije i odabrane dimenzije vrijednosnih orijentacija. Dodatna analiza klastera također pokazuje razlike između gamera s obzirom na tehnološke, sadržajne i interakcijske specifičnosti određenih žanrova te se zaključuje kako su pojedini žanrovi kompatibilni s onim igračima koji su tolerantniji prema različitim vrijednosnim orijentacijama, dok su drugi više vezani za zatvorenije i partikularne sociokulturne okvire.This article presents the results of a large scale online survey of the video gaming population in Croatia (N=3251) conducted in 2014. The theoretical part discusses approaches to mapping of videogaming profiles, as well as problems in defining and conceptualizing the video gamer and video gaming as a culture, relying first and foremost on compatible sociological perspectives (Crawford, 2011). The emphasis is laid on the importance of expanding the standard socio- demographic elements of profiling in order to establish a more concise typology of video gamers. The methodological part describes the instruments used, the main characteristics of the sample, as well as the cluster analysis method that was used in creating the video gamers typology. The results of the cluster analysis point to the existence of six different gaming types, grouped mainly around genre preferences but also pointing to differences considering the level of self-identification with gaming culture, intensity of playing, participatory practices and selected dimensions of value orientations. The additional analysis of the clusters shows differences among gamers in terms of technological, content-based and interaction-based characteristics of genres, concluding that specific genres are more compatible with those players that are more tolerant, whilst others are linked more to the insular and particular socio-cultural frameworks

    Investigating psychological disparities across gamers: a genre-based study

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    Objective: While video games have become a widespread form of entertainment, the exploration of their relationship with psychological factors remains relatively limited. The primary objective of this study was to investigate potential disparities in levels of everyday stress, perceived stress, and positive mental health among individuals engaged in three distinct video game genres: horror, competitive shooters, and sandbox. We hypothesized that significant differences would emerge between genres. Method: A total of 54 participants were recruited, queried about their primarily favoured video game genre, and then asked to complete an online survey consisting of three questionnaires, each corresponding to one of the dependent variables. Results: Three 1x3 between subjects ANOVA analyses indicated that levels of everyday and perceived stress were notably higher in the competitive shooter gamers, with sandbox gamers having the lowest levels. No significant differences were observed for levels of positive mental health. Conclusion: It is possible that competitive shooters either elevate everyday and perceived stress levels in individuals, or that already-stressed gamers are drawn to this genre. Finally, the absence of significant variations in levels of positive mental health across genres suggests that individuals may simply choose to play whichever game aligns with their personal sources of enjoyment

    Demolishing the Competition: The Association between Competitive Video Game Play and Aggression among Adolescents and Young Adults

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    The link between video game play and aggression is an important issue as video games The link between video game play and aggression is an important issue as video games are the fastest growing form of entertainment in the world. Past research on this association has been focused primarily on the link between video game violence and aggression; however, this research has confounded the effect of video game violence versus competition on aggression. The main goal of the current dissertation, therefore, was to examine the short- and long-term associations between competitive video game play and aggression. In addition, the longitudinal work on this association to date has been limited to adolescent samples, but not young adults. Thus, the second goal of the dissertation research was to investigate whether video game play predicts aggression in the long-term among young adults in addition to adolescents. To address these goals, three studies were conducted. Study 1 consisted of a series of experiments examining the short-term effect of video game violence versus competition on aggression. Study 2 examined the long-term association between competitive video game play and aggression among adolescents, and Study 3 examined this long-term link among young adults, in addition to adolescents. Taken together, the results of the three dissertation studies converged to suggest that video game competition, rather than violence, may be a stronger predictor of aggression in both the short- and long-term. Overall, the current research represents an important advance in our understanding of the association between video game play and aggression, and leads to a new direction in the video game and aggression literature. are the fastest growing form of entertainment in the world. Past research on this association has been focused primarily on the link between video game violence and aggression; however, this research has confounded the effect of video game violence versus competition on aggression. The main goal of the current dissertation, therefore, was to examine the short- and long-term associations between competitive video game play and aggression. In addition, the longitudinal work on this association to date has been limited to adolescent samples, but not young adults. Thus, the second goal of the dissertation research was to investigate whether video game play predicts aggression in the long-term among young adults in addition to adolescents. To address these goals, three studies were conducted. Study 1 consisted of a series of experiments examining the short-term effect of video game violence versus competition on aggression. Study 2 examined the long-term association between competitive video game play and aggression among adolescents, and Study 3 examined this long-term link among young adults, in addition to adolescents. Taken together, the results of the three dissertation studies converged to suggest that video game competition, rather than violence, may be a stronger predictor of aggression in both the short- and long-term. Overall, the current research represents an important advance in our understanding of the association between video game play and aggression, and leads to a new direction in the video game and aggression literature

    Alles nur ein Spiel? Computer- und Videospiele, Lernen und Aggression

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Wirkung von Computer- und Videospielen auf ihre Nutzer. Am Beispiel des Verhältnisses von Lernen und Aggression soll aufgezeigt werden, dass bei der Beschäftigung mit positiven bzw. sozial erwünschten Effekten stets auch die negativen bzw. sozial unerwünschten mitbedacht werden müssen et vice versa, da beiden teilweise die gleichen Wirkmechanismen zugrunde liegen. Zugleich soll jedoch auch dargelegt werden, dass lerntheoretische Erklärungen nicht ausreichen, um etwaige Auswirkungen digitaler Spiele auf die Aggression zu verstehen. Das Fazit aus den vier in diese kumulative Dissertation aufgenommenen Arbeiten lautet, dass die Forschung zur Wirkung digitaler Spiele von subtileren und v.a. individuelleren Effekten sowie aktiven Nutzern ausgehen und sich entsprechend methodisch ausrichten sollte

    Effects of Visual Perspective in Video Games on Activity Construals and Behavioural Intentions

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    The perspective from which people view or imagine a situation has downstream effects on the construal of that situation and subsequent cognitions and behaviours. My study suggests that these effects from the mental and visual imagery literature carry over to the domain of interactive media, specifically video gaming. I manipulated whether 82 undergraduates played a motorcycle racing video game from either the first-person perspective or the third-person perspective and had participants rate the perceived risk of a list of 24 different inherently risky activities and then rate their willingness to engage in the same activities. Participants who had played the video game from the third-person perspective perceived the activities as more risky than participants in the first-person perspective. Furthermore, participants in the third-person perspective condition reported less willingness to engage in the risky activities than those in the first-person condition. Mediation analysis confirms that the effect of perspective on willingness to take risks is mediated by risk perceptions. Implications are discussed for the literatures on visual perspective, action construal and detrimental effects of video gaming

    Something is Rotten in the State of Aggression Research: Novel Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Research on Digital Games and Human Aggression

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    This dissertation offers a comprehensive critique of the current state of research on violent game playing and aggressive outcomes. It discusses twenty-five years of research on violence in digital games and aggression, including empirical evidence, theoretical perspectives, and the heated debates in both the public and academia. The main focus here is on methodological issues limiting the conclusiveness of the research, particularly experiments conducted in psychological laboratories. By suggesting methodological advancements in the study of game violence effects, the thesis wants to offer new perspectives on digital games and aggression to move forward the field and the ideological debates that surround it. The thesis comprises a total of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles (of which 3 are published, one is accepted and in press, and one is under review) that include data from one original study and a secondary analyses of 3 further studies. The first part of the thesis consists of a detailed review of the current scientific literature on violent game effects with a focus on the theories that have been developed to explain the relationship between the use of digital games and aggression. Important theoretical shortcomings and fallacies of social-cognitive perspectives on how aggression is acquired through violent media contents are identified and discussed. The second part is a methodological critique of laboratory experiments in research on the effect of violent games. First, common problems and pitfalls in the manipulation of violence as an independent variable and improper control of relevant confounding factors are discussed. The modification of game content (“modding”) is suggested as a novel method to meet the requirements of rigorous internal validity and sufficient external validity in psychological laboratory experiments. The advantages of this method are illustrated by the results of an experiment in which it was used. This is followed by an examination of one of the most popular laboratory measures of aggressive behavior (the Competitive Reaction Time Task), providing evidence from three studies that the unstandardized use in the scholarly literature poses a threat to its interpretability and generalizability. The dissertation concludes with an analysis of the scientific discourse on the game violence-aggression link, and the ways in which it is shaped by ideological convictions that affect both the theoretical assumptions and the methodological procedures. This duality of ideologies present in theory and methods constitutes a threat to violent game effects research, as it causes the field to stagnate. It is argued that this stagnancy can only be resolved through methodological rigor that will, ultimately, advance inadequate theories of media effects

    Internet gaming disorder, harm, and loot box involvement

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    This item is only available electronically.The specific nature of harm and functional impairment in the context of Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has received limited attention. Assessing for widespread taxonomic harms is now commonplace in the study of problem gambling and other addictions. Given key risks in engaging in video gaming (namely, the acquisition of Internet Gaming Disorder and engaging in gambling-like activities), it is reasonable to suggest that a study of widespread gaming-related harms should be conducted. The review will propose that gambling-related harm measurement could be adapted for the measurement of gaming-related harm, to specifically a) identify and classify the harms differing between gamers with and without IGD, and b) identify financial harms associated with gambling-like gaming activities.Thesis (M.Psych(Clinical)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 202