3 research outputs found

    "Having 2 hours to write a paper is fun!": Detecting Sarcasm in Numerical Portions of Text

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    Sarcasm occurring due to the presence of numerical portions in text has been quoted as an error made by automatic sarcasm detection approaches in the past. We present a first study in detecting sarcasm in numbers, as in the case of the sentence 'Love waking up at 4 am'. We analyze the challenges of the problem, and present Rule-based, Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches to detect sarcasm in numerical portions of text. Our Deep Learning approach outperforms four past works for sarcasm detection and Rule-based and Machine learning approaches on a dataset of tweets, obtaining an F1-score of 0.93. This shows that special attention to text containing numbers may be useful to improve state-of-the-art in sarcasm detection

    A Robust Deep Ensemble Classifier for Figurative Language Detection

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    Recognition and classification of Figurative Language (FL) is an open problem of Sentiment Analysis in the broader field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to the contradictory meaning contained in phrases with metaphorical content. The problem itself contains three interrelated FL recognition tasks: sarcasm, irony and metaphor which, in the present paper, are dealt with advanced Deep Learning (DL) techniques. First, we introduce a data prepossessing framework towards efficient data representation formats so that to optimize the respective inputs to the DL models. In addition, special features are extracted in order to characterize the syntactic, expressive, emotional and temper content reflected in the respective social media text references. These features aim to capture aspects of the social network user's writing method. Finally, features are fed to a robust, Deep Ensemble Soft Classifier (DESC) which is based on the combination of different DL techniques. Using three different benchmark datasets (one of them containing various FL forms) we conclude that the DESC model achieves a very good performance, worthy of comparison with relevant methodologies and state-of-the-art technologies in the challenging field of FL recognition.Comment: Published in Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN)-201

    A Transformer-based approach to Irony and Sarcasm detection

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    Figurative Language (FL) seems ubiquitous in all social-media discussion forums and chats, posing extra challenges to sentiment analysis endeavors. Identification of FL schemas in short texts remains largely an unresolved issue in the broader field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), mainly due to their contradictory and metaphorical meaning content. The main FL expression forms are sarcasm, irony and metaphor. In the present paper we employ advanced Deep Learning (DL) methodologies to tackle the problem of identifying the aforementioned FL forms. Significantly extending our previous work [71], we propose a neural network methodology that builds on a recently proposed pre-trained transformer-based network architecture which, is further enhanced with the employment and devise of a recurrent convolutional neural network (RCNN). With this set-up, data preprocessing is kept in minimum. The performance of the devised hybrid neural architecture is tested on four benchmark datasets, and contrasted with other relevant state of the art methodologies and systems. Results demonstrate that the proposed methodology achieves state of the art performance under all benchmark datasets, outperforming, even by a large margin, all other methodologies and published studies.Comment: Neural Comput & Applic (2020