113 research outputs found

    Resolution of the strong CP problem

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    It is shown that the quark mass aligns QCD θ\theta vacuum in such a way that the strong CP is conserved, resolving the strong CP problem.Comment: 9 pages;v2 slightly rewritten and expanded;v3 a few points clarified;v4 minor changes, journal versio

    On Topological Susceptibility, Vacuum Energy and Theta Dependence in Gluodynamics

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    We suggest that the topological susceptibility in gluodynamics can be found in terms of the gluon condensate using renormalizability and heavy fermion representation of the anomaly. Analogous relations can be also obtained for other zero momentum correlation functions involving the topological density operator. Using these relations, we find the theta dependence of the condensates , and of the partition function for small theta and an arbitrary number of colors.Comment: Details of the derivation are clarified, changes in discussions, new references are adde

    The Higgs masses and explicit CP violation in the gluino-axion model

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    In this work, we adress the phenomenological consequences of explicit CP violation on direct Higgs-boson searches at high energy colliders. Having a restricted parameter space, we concentrate on the recently proposed gluino-axion model, and investigate the CP violation capability of the model subject to the recent experimental data. It is shown that the Higgs masses as well as their CP compositions are quite sensitive to the supersymmetric CP phases. The lightest Higgs is found to be nearly CP even to a good approximation whilst the remaining two heavy scalars do not have definite CP parities.Comment: 20 pp, 14 eps figs, title is changed, the manuscript is improved using the latest experimental data, some figures and references adde

    Theta Dependence In The Large N Limit Of Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories

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    The theta dependent of pure gauge theories in four dimensions can be studied using a duality of large N gauge theories with string theory on a certain spacetime. Via this duality, one can argue that for every theta, there are infinitely many vacua that are stable in the large N limit. The true vacuum, found by minimizing the energy in this family, is a smooth function of theta except at theta equal to pi, where it jumps. This jump is associated with spontaneous breaking of CP symmetry. Domain walls separating adjacent vacua are described in terms of wrapped sixbranes.Comment: 8 p

    General Solution of the non-abelian Gauss law and non-abelian analogs of the Hodge decomposition

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    General solution of the non-abelian Gauss law in terms of covariant curls and gradients is presented. Also two non-abelian analogs of the Hodge decomposition in three dimensions are addressed. i) Decomposition of an isotriplet vector field Via(x)V_{i}^{a}(x) as sum of covariant curl and gradient with respect to an arbitrary background Yang-Mills potential is obtained. ii) A decomposition of the form Via=Bia(C)+Di(C)Ď•aV_{i}^{a}=B_{i}^{a}(C)+D_{i}(C) \phi^{a} which involves non-abelian magnetic field of a new Yang-Mills potential C is also presented. These results are relevant for duality transformation for non-abelian gauge fields.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, revte

    Statistics of Lyapunov exponent in one-dimensional layered systems

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    Localization of acoustic waves in a one dimensional water duct containing many randomly distributed air filled blocks is studied. Both the Lyapunov exponent and its variance are computed. Their statistical properties are also explored extensively. The results reveal that in this system the single parameter scaling is generally inadequate no matter whether the frequency we consider is located in a pass band or in a band gap. This contradicts the earlier observations in an optical case. We compare the results with two optical cases and give a possible explanation of the origin of the different behaviors.Comment: 6 pages revtex file, 6 eps figure

    The Three Loop Equation of State of QED at High Temperature

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    We present the three loop contribution (order e4e^4) to the pressure of massless quantum electrodynamics at nonzero temperature. The calculation is performed within the imaginary time formalism. Dimensional regularization is used to handle the usual, intermediate stage, ultraviolet and infrared singularities, and also to prevent overcounting of diagrams during resummation.Comment: ANL-HEP-PR-94-02, SPhT/94-054 (revised final version

    Real CP violation in a simple extension of the standard model

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    I present a simple three-Higgs-doublet extension of the standard model in which real CP violation takes place. The strong CP problem is attenuated by this model.Comment: 8 page

    Vlasov Description Of Dense Quark Matter

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    We discuss properties of quark matter at finite baryon densities and zero temperature in a Vlasov approach. We use a screened interquark Richardson's potential consistent with the indications of Lattice QCD calculations. We analyze the choices of the quark masses and the parameters entering the potential which reproduce the binding energy (B.E.) of infinite nuclear matter. There is a transition from nuclear to quark matter at densities 5 times above normal nuclear matter density. The transition could be revealed from the determination of the position of the shifted meson masses in dense baryonic matter. A scaling form of the meson masses in dense matter is given.Comment: 15 pages 4 figure

    Anomaly-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking with Axion

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    We construct hadronic axion models in the framework of the anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario. If the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking is related to the supersymmetry breaking, mass spectrum of the minimal anomaly-mediated scenario is modified, which may solve the negative slepton mass problem in the minimal anomaly-mediated model. We find several classes of phenomenologically viable models of axion within the framework of the anomaly mediation and, in particular, we point out a new mechanism of stabilizing the axion potential. In this class of models, the Peccei-Quinn scale is related to the messenger scale. We also study phenomenological aspects of this class of models. We will see that, in some case, the lightest particle among the superpartners of the standard-model particles is stau while the lightest superparticle becomes the axino, the superpartner of the axion. With such a unique mass spectrum, conventional studies of the collider physics and cosmology for supersymmetric models should be altered.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, added footnotes and references for section
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