1,376 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium noise and current fluctuations at the superconducting phase transition

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    We study non-Gaussian out-of-equilibrium current fluctuations in a mesoscopic NSN circuit at the point of a superconducting phase transition. The setup consists of a voltage-biased thin film nanobridge superconductor (S) connected to two normal-metal (N) leads by tunnel junctions. We find that above a critical temperature fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter associated with the preformed Cooper pairs mediate inelastic electron scattering that promotes strong current fluctuations. Though the conductance is suppressed due to the depletion of the quasiparticle density of states, higher cumulants of current fluctuations are parametrically enhanced. We identify experimentally relevant transport regime where excess current noise may reach or even exceed the level of the thermal noise.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Response theory of the ergodic many-body delocalized phase: Keldysh Finkel'stein sigma models and the 10-fold way

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    We derive the finite temperature Keldysh response theory for interacting fermions in the presence of quenched disorder, as applicable to any of the 10 Altland-Zirnbauer classes in an Anderson delocalized phase with at least a U(1) continuous symmetry. In this formulation of the interacting Finkel'stein nonlinear sigma model, the statistics of one-body wave functions are encoded by the constrained matrix field, while physical correlations follow from the hydrodynamic density or spin response field, which decouples the interactions. Integrating out the matrix field first, we obtain weak (anti)localization and Altshuler-Aronov quantum conductance corrections from the hydrodynamic response function. This procedure automatically incorporates the correct infrared physics, and in particular gives the Altshuler-Aronov-Khmelnitsky (AAK) equations for dephasing of weak (anti)localization due to electron-electron collisions. We explicate the method by deriving known quantum corrections in two dimensions for the symplectic metal class AII, as well as the spin-SU(2) invariant superconductor classes C and CI. We show that conductance corrections due to the special modes at zero energy in nonstandard classes are automatically cut off by temperature, as previously expected, while the Wigner-Dyson class Cooperon modes that persist to all energies are cut by dephasing. We also show that for short-ranged interactions, the standard self-consistent solution for the dephasing rate is equivalent to a diagrammatic summation via the self-consistent Born approximation. This should be compared to the AAK solution for long-ranged Coulomb interactions, which exploits the Markovian noise correlations induced by thermal fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. We discuss prospects for exploring the many-body localization transition from the ergodic side as a dephasing catastrophe in short-range interacting models.Comment: 68 pages, 23 figure