Medicina familiar, comunidad y cuidados paliativos en pacientes crónicos


This paper explores the role of family medicine in the management of patients with chronic diseases, the integration of the community in palliative care, and the challenges and strategies in palliative care for this group of patients. Family medicine, with its comprehensive and continuous approach, excels in coordinating the care of chronic patients, addressing not only medical aspects, but also psychological and social factors, which is essential to improve quality of life and prevent complications. The importance of community participation in palliative care is underlined, highlighting how social support and local resource mobilization can complement formal care and ease the burden on health systems. In addition, the challenges facing palliative care are discussed, including the management of complex symptoms, multidisciplinary coordination, and communication with patients and their families. It is proposed that overcoming these challenges requires strategies that include ongoing training of health professionals, the development of appropriate public policies, and a flexible and personalized approach to care. Ultimately, the need for a patient-centred approach that integrates family medicine, community support and palliative care is highlighted to provide high-quality care to patients with chronic diseases, ensuring their well-being at all stages of their illness. Keywords: Family medicine, Chronic diseases, Palliative care.Este documento explora el papel de la medicina familiar en el manejo de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, la integración de la comunidad en los cuidados paliativos, y los desafíos y estrategias en la atención paliativa para este grupo de pacientes. La medicina familiar, con su enfoque integral y continuo, se destaca en la coordinación del cuidado de pacientes crónicos, abordando no solo aspectos médicos, sino también factores psicológicos y sociales, lo que es esencial para mejorar la calidad de vida y prevenir complicaciones. Se subraya la importancia de la participación comunitaria en los cuidados paliativos, destacando cómo el apoyo social y la movilización de recursos locales pueden complementar la atención formal y aliviar la carga sobre los sistemas de salud. En ese sentido, se analizan los desafíos que enfrenta la atención paliativa, incluyendo la gestión de síntomas complejos, la coordinación multidisciplinaria y la comunicación con los pacientes y sus familias. Se propone que superar estos desafíos requiere estrategias que incluyan la capacitación continua de los profesionales de la salud, el desarrollo de políticas públicas adecuadas, y un enfoque flexible y personalizado en el cuidado. En última instancia, se resalta la necesidad de un enfoque centrado en el paciente que integre la medicina familiar, el apoyo comunitario y la atención paliativa para proporcionar un cuidado de alta calidad a los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, asegurando su bienestar en todas las etapas de su enfermedad. Palabras claves: Medicina familiar, Enfermedades crónicas, Cuidados paliativos. Abstract This paper explores the role of family medicine in the management of patients with chronic diseases, the integration of the community in palliative care, and the challenges and strategies in palliative care for this group of patients. Family medicine, with its comprehensive and continuous approach, excels in coordinating the care of chronic patients, addressing not only medical aspects, but also psychological and social factors, which is essential to improve quality of life and prevent complications. The importance of community participation in palliative care is underlined, highlighting how social support and local resource mobilization can complement formal care and ease the burden on health systems. In addition, the challenges facing palliative care are discussed, including the management of complex symptoms, multidisciplinary coordination, and communication with patients and their families. It is proposed that overcoming these challenges requires strategies that include ongoing training of health professionals, the development of appropriate public policies, and a flexible and personalized approach to care. Ultimately, the need for a patient-centred approach that integrates family medicine, community support and palliative care is highlighted to provide high-quality care to patients with chronic diseases, ensuring their well-being at all stages of their illness. Keywords: Family medicine, Chronic diseases, Palliative care. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 10 de abril de 2024.Fecha de aceptación: 25 de junio de 2024.Fecha de publicación: 10 de julio de 2024

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Revista Científica Arbitrada en Investigaciones de la Salud GESTAR

Last time updated on 18/10/2024

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