International Adoption and Navigating Health Care


International adoption emerged as a critical need when wars created an impact on every family living in war-torn nations. Orphans of many international countries are institutionalized causing medical concerns in the area of mental health when they become adopted and deinstitutionalized. The research on family dynamics and health literacy along with the mental health disparities are aspects of the United States healthcare system that have not been well developed. To better understand these disparities and close the gap of healthcare for internationally adopted children, health risk appraisals and primary preventions should be investigated. Occupational therapists have the skill and education on occupational disruption and deprivation to provide valuable evidence and reasoning to this investigation. Limiting the health disparities this population faces is only taking action in the quality and access to healthcare. The cost of healthcare for this population is also vital for equity and equality in the United States. Regardless of views in healthcare the cost associated with caring for these children also needs to be addressed by policymakers and healthcare professionals. Increasing funding, research and education around the healthcare of these individuals would improve the overall functioning of the United States healthcare system in regards to cost, quality, and accessibility

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Eastern Kentucky University

Last time updated on 26/05/2024

This paper was published in Eastern Kentucky University.

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