Enabling purpose-driven ethical leadership via The Platinum Leadership Award


How the United Nations initiative ‘Principles for Responsible Management Education’ underpins a collaboration between the University of Worcester Business School and the University of Worcester Careers & Employability Service The University of Worcester Careers & Employability Service has run the Worcester Award for students to further personal and professional skill sets. These efforts have aimed to optimise individual efficacy for employability. The Worcester Award has offered four levels: Bronze; Silver; Gold and Platinum; giving access to differentiated skill-centric opportunities. https://www2.worc.ac.uk/careers/worcesterawardstudents.html https://firstpoint.blog/2022/10/10/firstpoints-five-points-about-the-worcester-award-2022-23/ Over the life of the Award, staff from the Careers Service have combined efforts with like-minded colleagues from across the University’s various Schools and Institutes to make for diverse involvements at each designated award level. The objective has been to help students better ‘stand out from the crowd’ when seeking employment. https://firstpoint.blog/2017/09/25/get-the-worcester-award-stand-out-from-the-crowd-2/ In this example of such a collaborative endeavour, the University of Worcester Careers & Employability Service and the Worcester Business School pull together for the Platinum Leadership Award. It is dedicated to the much celebrated and now retired Rose Watson of the Careers Service. Rose's constancy in making the best conditions to extend student-centred insight was as much attributable to her diligence in presiding over the high quality of the much acclaimed Worcester Award, as to her unwavering commitment to its realisation and belief in the capable student candidates. Thank you Rose

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University of Worcester Research and Publications

Last time updated on 20/05/2024

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