Adopción de Aulas Virtuales Sincrónicas en la Educación Secundaria: Un Análisis de las Prácticas Docentes en el Contexto de la Enseñanza Remota Impulsada por el COVID-19


Virtual learning came to drastically replace face-to-face learning scenarios. The members of the educational community left social contact to interact with technological devices, whose teacher-student relationship became unequal, limiting participation. The virtual classroom is a space that allows socialization, a place in which human relations and cooperative learning are fostered with the help of technology. The objective of the present study was to identify why teachers adopt synchronous virtual classrooms and how they use them after their adoption. The design of the research was cross-sectional with a quantitative approach, for which 111 teachers of Higher Basic General Education who use this type of classroom were invited to participate in said process. The technique used was the survey which was validated by three experts in technological instruction, whose main section consisted of nine questions regarding the use and adoption of virtual classrooms. For this purpose, a link was created with a hyperlink within the Google Forms platform, indicating that their participation was anonymous and voluntary. Survey data was collected satisfactorily. The results of the article determined that the use of synchronous virtual classrooms serves to communicate the areas of knowledge efficiently with the effective accompaniment of the tools that compose it. Keywords: virtual classroom, synchronous, factors, teacher, student.El aprendizaje virtual vino a reemplazar de forma drástica los escenarios de aprendizaje de forma presencial. Los miembros de la comunidad educativa dejaron el contacto social para interactuar con los dispositivos tecnológicos, cuya relación docente-alumno se volvió desigual, limitando la participación. El aula virtual es un espacio que permite la socialización, lugar en el cual se fomentan las relaciones humanas y el aprendizaje cooperativo con ayuda de la tecnología. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar por qué los docentes adoptan aulas virtuales sincrónicas y cómo las usan después de su adopción. El diseño de la investigación fue de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, para lo cual se invitó a 111 docentes de Educación General Básica Superior que utilizan este tipo de aulas a participar en dicho proceso. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta la cual fue validada por tres expertos en instrucción tecnológica, cuya sección principal constó de nueve preguntas referentes al uso y adopción de aulas virtuales. Para tal efecto, se creó un link con un hipervínculo dentro de la plataforma Google Forms, indicándoles que su participación era de forma anónima y voluntaria. Los datos de la encuesta se recopilaron de forma satisfactoria. Los resultados del artículo, determinaron que el uso de las aulas virtuales sincrónicas sirve para comunicar las áreas del saber de manera eficiente con el acompañamiento efectivo de las herramientas que la componen. Palabras claves: aula virtual, sincrónica, factores, docente, estudiante. ABSTRACT Virtual learning came to drastically replace face-to-face learning scenarios. The members of the educational community left social contact to interact with technological devices, whose teacher-student relationship became unequal, limiting participation. The virtual classroom is a space that allows socialization, a place in which human relations and cooperative learning are fostered with the help of technology. The objective of the present study was to identify why teachers adopt synchronous virtual classrooms and how they use them after their adoption. The design of the research was cross-sectional with a quantitative approach, for which 111 teachers of Higher Basic General Education who use this type of classroom were invited to participate in said process. The technique used was the survey which was validated by three experts in technological instruction, whose main section consisted of nine questions regarding the use and adoption of virtual classrooms. For this purpose, a link was created with a hyperlink within the Google Forms platform, indicating that their participation was anonymous and voluntary. Survey data was collected satisfactorily. The results of the article determined that the use of synchronous virtual classrooms serves to communicate the areas of knowledge efficiently with the effective accompaniment of the tools that compose it. Keywords: virtual classroom, synchronous, factors, teacher, student. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 19 de diciembre de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 19 de febrero de 2024.Fecha de publicación: 25 de marzo de 2024

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Revista Científica Arbitrada de Investigación en Comunicación, Marketing y Empresa

Last time updated on 15/05/2024

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