Goce a plenitud de los Derechos Humanos, en materia penal, en relacion al respeto del Derecho Constitucional de las reglas del debido proceso


Laws are instruments that allow societies to form a system of values that govern the actions of the individuals that make them up, this makes them of vital importance in any legal system of any nation. Through the universal declaration of Human Rights, the first steps were taken in terms of regulating the guarantees that must be maintained for every human being belonging to any country; however, each nation had to conceive its own legislation in depending on their own characteristics and needs, such as guaranteeing due process to each citizen. The objective of this research lies mainly in knowing what refers to the legal implications that derive from the enjoyment of due process, such as respect for the human rights contemplated in the constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. All this using a documentary bibliographic methodology in which a search was carried out on the web of the main databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, among others. The main result highlights the fact that although the right to due process is fundamental and must be guaranteed, it still presents ambiguity in its application, as well as it is a right that is violated on multiple occasions, which demonstrates weakness in the system. national legal. Keywords: information technologies, teaching, learning, virtual learning environments.Las leyes son instrumentos que permiten a las sociedades conformar un sistema de valores que permitan regir el actuar de los individuos que las conforman, esto hace que sean de vital importancia en todo ordenamiento jurídico de cualquier nación. Por medio de la declaración universal de los Derechos Humanos, se logró dar los primeros pasos en cuanto a la regulación de las garantías que se deben mantener a todo ser humano que pertenezca a cualquier país, sin embargo, cada nación debió concebir su propia legislación en función de sus propias características y necesidades, como por ejemplo el garantizar el debido proceso a cada ciudadano. El objetivo de esta investigación radica principalmente en conocer lo referido a las implicancias jurídicas que derivan del goce del debido proceso, como respeto a los derechos humanos contemplado en la constitución de la republica de ecuador. Todo ello mediante una metodología de tipo bibliográfica documental en la cual se realizó una búsqueda en la web de las principales bases de datos como Dialnet, Scielo, entre otras. como resultado principal destaca el hecho de que a pesar que el derecho al debido proceso es fundamental y se debe garantizar, aun presenta ambigüedad en su aplicación, así como también es un derecho que se vulnera en múltiples ocasiones, lo que demuestra debilidad en el sistema jurídico nacional. Palabras claves: Debido proceso, derechos humanos, garantías. ABSTRACT Laws are instruments that allow societies to form a system of values that govern the actions of the individuals that make them up, this makes them of vital importance in any legal system of any nation. Through the universal declaration of Human Rights, the first steps were taken in terms of regulating the guarantees that must be maintained for every human being belonging to any country; however, each nation had to conceive its own legislation in depending on their own characteristics and needs, such as guaranteeing due process to each citizen. The objective of this research lies mainly in knowing what refers to the legal implications that derive from the enjoyment of due process, such as respect for the human rights contemplated in the constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. All this using a documentary bibliographic methodology in which a search was carried out on the web of the main databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, among others. The main result highlights the fact that although the right to due process is fundamental and must be guaranteed, it still presents ambiguity in its application, as well as it is a right that is violated on multiple occasions, which demonstrates weakness in the system. national legal. Keywords: information technologies, teaching, learning, virtual learning environments. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 17 de octubre de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 26 de diciembre de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 10 de enero de 2024

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Revista Científica Arbitrada de Investigación en Comunicación, Marketing y Empresa

Last time updated on 15/05/2024

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