In Pursuit of Consumption-Based Forecasting


[Introduction] Today\u27s most mature, most sophisticated, best-in-class forecasting is what we call consumption-based forecasting (CBF). In contrast, the least sophisticated companies typically do not forecast at all, but rather set financial targets based on management expectations. Companies beginning to use statistical forecasting techniques usually take a supply-centric orientation, relying on time series techniques applied to shipment and/or order history. The next stage of progression is to incorporate promotions data, economic data, and market data alongside supply-centric data so that regression and other advanced analytics can be used. Companies pursing CBF utilize even more advanced capabilities to capture, examine, and understand true demand and combine market planning, operational planning, and forecasting. These capabilities include the areas of analytics, data, people, process, and technology

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This paper was published in Old Dominion University.

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