Preliminaries and Contents


Editorial I announce the publication of Lagos Notes and Records, Volume 28, 2022, a special edition devoted to the COVID-19 pandemic experience. Coronavirus took the world by storm at a time when humanity was least prepared for it, and has since redefined every facet of our life and living: work, relaxation, education, health, food security and religiosity. While many suffered huge losses, of lives and incomes, some made fantastic gains and broke new grounds during the pandemic. This volume is a codification of the cerebral responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, containing eight well-researched articles analyzing various humanistic interventions in the COVID-19 phenomenon. I heartily recommend these articles to the academic community with the assurance that they will be worthy additions to humanty's store of knowledge. Lastly, I congratulate the Editorial Team for another job well done. Professor Olufunke Adeboye Editor-in-Chie

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University of Lagos Journals

Last time updated on 11/02/2024

This paper was published in University of Lagos Journals.

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