An introduction to neo-Riemannian operations and their application in music production


This chapter aims to develop neo-Riemannian transformations (NRTs) within popular music practice as a means of enhancing music production pedagogy and expanding the frames of reference. To achieve this, the chapter locates NRTs within the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and outlines how various production tools and processes can be utilized to produce novel harmonic outputs. This variety of applications reveals that the DAW is a flexible environment in which advanced, or less familiar harmonic concepts, can sit side by side with production approaches such as automation, sampling, and songwriting. Much songwriting literature tends not to consider other cultural mechanisms, such as film, TV and game soundtrack music, as having a profound effect on the musical imaginations of popular and electronic music creators. Most music production literature focuses on the operation of tools rather than creativity. Thus, I attempt to show how creativity and tools can be combined with a specific pedagogic focus

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Last time updated on 15/01/2024

This paper was published in WestminsterResearch.

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