Conceptualising Student Engagement as a Theoretical Framework for Innovative Higher Education Practices : A Literature Review


Funded by the Irish Government (2020-2025), Designing Futures (DF) is a flagship university programme which provides a range of campus-based initiatives with the aim of supporting students to design their own personalised learning journey, equipping them for both their future lives and careers.  It is being implemented and evaluated using an iterative process according to the principles of Educational Design Research (McKenney and Reeves, 2018) and Developmental Evaluation (Patton, 2011).  This paper reports on a systematic review undertaken to scope out relevant theoretical frameworks for the project, in particular those that promote student engagement for all and enhance their belonging on campus.  Informed by a realist approach, the research team worked from an initial set of 2031 articles and to a final set of 53 texts.   The review outcomes are described according to three research questions, the goodness of fit of “student engagement” as a theoretical framework in this context; practices that foster effective student engagement; and research methodologies commonly deployed to promote student engagement.  Finally, a working theoretical model for the Designing Futures project is proposed based on the literature reviewed.  This utility of this model will be tested and refined as data is collected over the life cycle of the project

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AISHE-J - The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Last time updated on 14/08/2023

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