An invited review following the Soujinkai Award : ryanodine receptor bound calmodulin is essential to protect against catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia


Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is caused by a single point mutation in the cardiac type 2 ryanodine receptor (RyR2). Using knock-in mouse (KI) model (R2474S/+), we previously reported that a single point mutation within the RyR2 sensitized the channel to agonists, primarily mediated by defective inter-domain interaction within the RyR2 and subsequent dissociation of calmodulin (CaM) from the RyR2. Here, we examined whether CPVT can be genetically rescued by enhancing the binding affinity of CaM to the RyR2. We first determined whether there was a possible amino-acid substitution within the CaM-binding domain in the RyR2 (3584-3603) that can enhance its binding affinity to CaM, and found that V3599K substitution showed the highest binding affinity of CaM to CaM-binding domain. Hence, we generated a heterozygous KI mouse model (V3599K/+) with a single amino acid substitution in the CaM-binding domain of the RyR2, and crossbred it with the heterozygous CPVT –associated R2474S/+ KI mouse to obtain a double heterozygous R2474S/V3599K KI mouse model. The CPVT phenotypes, bidirectional or polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, were inhibited in the R2474S/V3599K mice. Thus, enhancement of the CaM binding affinity of the RyR2 is essential to prevent CPVT-associated arrhythmogenesis

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Last time updated on 08/08/2023

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