Q-CAT Corpus Annotation Tool 1.5


The Q-CAT (Querying-Supported Corpus Annotation Tool) is a tool for manual linguistic annotation of corpora, which also enables advanced queries on top of these annotations. The tool has been used in various annotation campaigns related to the ssj500k reference training corpus of Slovenian (http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1210), such as named entities, dependency syntax, semantic roles and multi-word expressions, but it can also be used for adding new annotation layers of various types to this or other language corpora. Q-CAT is a .NET application, which runs on Windows operating system. Version 1.1 enables the automatic attribution of token IDs and personalized font adjustments. Version 1.2 supports the CONLL-U format and working with UD POS tags. Version 1.3 supports adding new layers of annotation on top of CONLL-U (and then saving the corpus as XML TEI). Version 1.4 introduces new features in command line mode (filtering by sentence ID, multiple link type visualizations) Version 1.5 supports listening to audio recordings (provided in the # sound_url comment line in CONLL-U

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Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure - Slovenia

Last time updated on 11/07/2023

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