Machine learning application in cancer research: Mini Review


Nowadays, due to the significant growth of medical data production, utilization of interdisciplinary science, such as data mining, is also increasing. In order to discover the knowledge, form an enormous quantity of medical data, data mining would be helpful tools. One of the common data mining techniques is machine learning. This approach is the ability of learning without being explicitly programmed by computers through sets of algorithms. In the past few years, many researches have been carried out the machine learning algorithms utilization in cancer research. In this mini-review, besides defining the concepts of machine learning, the application of machine learning on cancer data also has been reviewed. The repeated studies are divided into four categories, including Identification of high-risk people, Prediction of cancer staging, Prediction of cancer clinical outcomes and Medical image analysis. Studies show that the use of machine learning in medical fields is increasing and there is a promising progress in this area

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The Cancer Press (E-Journal, Nastaran Center for Cancer Prevention - NCCP)

Last time updated on 30/10/2019

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