Challenges of Social Networking on Students’ Reading Habit in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria


Many activities of academic life require the ability to read and write. Reading helps to develop the mind and personality of a person; it also enriches ones’ intellectual abilities. But, with the current popularity of social networking, it is slowly and steadily taking over the mind of young people who are expected to cultivate good reading culture. This study therefore, sought to find out the challenges of social networking on Ahmadu Bello University students. Survey method was adopted using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. Copies of questionnaires were administered and retrieved from 200 undergraduate. Findings revealed that 189(94.5%) of the students are involved in social networking to connect with friends and relatives, the study also indicated that 72(36%) respondents stipulated that social networking distract their reading habits. Based on these findings, this paper recommended that students in tertiary institutions be given proper orientation on how to use social media as effective tool for transformation. The authority concerned should also intensify enlightenment campaign on the negative effect of all social networking on students and their academic performances

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International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE): E-Journals

Last time updated on 30/10/2019

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