Elektrikli araçların enerji tüketimi modellemesi ve hız profili optimizasyonu


Thesis (M.A.)--Özyeğin University, Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, May 2018.In recent years, there is a surge in research on Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs), as PEVs are one of the ways that we can reduce carbon emissions. Dramatic cost reduction in PEVs has resulted in their becoming mainstream vehicles. However, there is still one big hurdle before they can take over other types of vehicles, and that is their limited range. Lack of charging stations exacerbates the situation further, and proliferation of charging stations does not completely alleviate the range problem as charging can take a few hours. Therefore, a PEV should cover as much distance with a given battery charge, or equivalently, should consume as little energy as possible for a given distance. The choice of the instantaneous control algorithm plays a role in this energy minimization problem, but on the other hand, the most critical aspect of this minimization problem is the speed pro le of the vehicle, which is given as a reference input to the instantaneous control algorithm. This thesis o ers a signi cant contribution to the literature in range optimization of PEVs given a realistic vehicle model, which it does through a combination of Monte Carlo and Newton-Raphson optimization methods

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Last time updated on 22/07/2019

This paper was published in eResearch@Ozyegin.

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