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Detecting new physics in rare top decays at the LHC


In the companion paper it was shown that there are six observables in gg → t t → bbc bℓ ν that can be used to reveal the presence of new physics (NP) in t → bbc. In the present paper we examine the prospects for detecting and identifying such NP at the LHC, in both the short term and long term. To this end, we develop an algorithm for extracting the NP parameters from measurements of the observables. In the short term, depending on what measurements have been made, there are several different ways of detecting the presence of NP. It may even be possible to approximately determine the values of certain NP parameters. In the long term, it is expected that all six observables will be measured. The values of the NP parameters can then be determined reasonably precisely from a fit to these measurements, which will provide good information about the type of NP present in t → bbc .Fil: Saha, Pratishruti. University of Montreal; CanadáFil: Kiers, Ken. Taylor University; Estados UnidosFil: London, David. University of Montreal; CanadáFil: Szynkman, Alejandro Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentin

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This paper was published in CONICET Digital.

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