Study of Static Magnetic Properties of Transformer Oil Based Magnetic Fluids for Various Technical Applications Using Demagnetizing Field Correction


Static magnetization data of eight transformer oil based magnetic fluid samples, with saturation magnetization ranging in a large interval from 9 kA/m to 90 kA/m, have been subjected to the demagnetizing field correction. Using the tabulated demagnetization factors and the differential magnetic susceptibility of the samples, the values of the radial magnetometric demagnetization factor were obtained in the particular case of VSM880 magnetometer. It was found that the demagnetizing field correction keeps the saturation magnetization values unchanged, but instead the initial magnetic susceptibility of the magnetic fluid samples varies widely. The mean magnetic diameter, obtained through magnetogranulometry from the measured data, is higher than that obtained from the corrected ones and the variation rate increases with the magnetic particle volume fraction growth

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Last time updated on 13/10/2017

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