A Teaching Model for Health Professionals Learning Reflective Practice


The aim of this work was to use the theory and concepts of critical reflection in the development of a teaching model to enhance the learning approach to reflective practice for health professionals. The results of this initial stage of a larger project have identified the key challenges for health professionals learning about reflective practice. From the literature a model for teaching critical reflection was conceptualized. It begins with an exploration of self and values, moves students through a dialogue with peers, and explores the social and historical contexts of practice. Conclusions drawn from this work show that despite the agenda in healthcare to bridge the theory-practice gap, when focusing on critical reflection students struggle with professional, legal and ethical issues much more than they do with empirical ones. Our work has aimed to design a course of study that facilitates students\u27 development in critical reflection in order to promote their empowerment and capacity for change. We believe that reflective practice that is aimed at empowering individuals within their own practice has the potential to engage the learner, as well as provide improved health outcomes

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This paper was published in Research Online.

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