Carbonylation of Csp3−H Bonds through Oxidative Wittig‐Type Reaction: An Unprecedented Version of Wittig Reaction


A Wittig‐type reaction was achieved by radical cation salt induced aerobic oxidation of Csp3−H bonds. Different from the “standard” version of the Wittig reaction, in which a carbon‐carbon double bond is formed from a carbonyl, carbonyl groups can be installed by similar process.Not from carbonyls but to carbonyls: A Wittig‐type reaction was achieved by radical cation salt induced aerobic oxidation of sp3 C−H bonds. Different from the “standard” version of the Wittig reaction, in which a carbon‐carbon double bond is formed from a carbonyl, carbonyl groups can be installed by similar process.Peer Reviewed

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Deep Blue Documents at the University of Michigan

Last time updated on 02/08/2017

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