Correlating theory and practice in fine art research: understanding practice as research; seminars for first year PhD students


This article addresses how 'new knowledge’ still remains a contested field. It considers how a new research paradigm for artistic research is emerging from the growing field of practice-based research following the necessity to submit research outcomes for the Research Assessment Exercise in UK Universities particularly, and the implementation of respective PhD programs. It seeks to address some of the current conditions for ‘art as research’ and the anxiety around the academisation of Fine Artists as scholars, and conversely the reticence of some institutions to recognize creative work as a legitimate scholarly activity in it’s own right; this is particularly of concern in many American universities which consider the MFA as the ‘terminal degree’. It discusses Mo Throp's initiative for a series of seminars with first year PhD students to address their practice as research

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UAL Research Online

Last time updated on 18/07/2017

This paper was published in UAL Research Online.

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