
In vivo contribution of Class III alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH3) to alcohol metabolism through activation by cytoplasmic solution hydrophobicity


AbstractAlcohol metabolism in vivo cannot be explained solely by the action of the classical alcohol dehydrogenase, Class I ADH (ADH1). Over the past three decades, attempts to identify the metabolizing enzymes responsible for the ADH1-independent pathway have focused on the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS) and catalase, but have failed to clarify their roles in systemic alcohol metabolism. In this study, we used Adh3-null mutant mice to demonstrate that Class III ADH (ADH3), a ubiquitous enzyme of ancient origin, contributes to alcohol metabolism in vivo dose-dependently resulting in a diminution of acute alcohol intoxication. Although the ethanol oxidation activity of ADH3 in vitro is low due to its very high Km, it was found to exhibit a markedly enhanced catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) toward ethanol when the solution hydrophobicity of the reaction medium was increased with a hydrophobic substance. Confocal laser scanning microscopy with Nile red as a hydrophobic probe revealed a cytoplasmic solution of mouse liver cells to be much more hydrophobic than the buffer solution used for in vitro experiments. So, the in vivo contribution of high-Km ADH3 to alcohol metabolism is likely to involve activation in a hydrophobic solution. Thus, the present study demonstrated that ADH3 plays an important role in systemic ethanol metabolism at higher levels of blood ethanol through activation by cytoplasmic solution hydrophobicity

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Last time updated on 05/05/2017

This paper was published in Elsevier - Publisher Connector .

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