
Engineering Development of Bank Protecting Devices Using Concrete Filling Textile Mats


AbstractThe article shows the results of the analysis of constructions of bank protection devices, in which concrete filling textile mats are used. Their advantages and disadvantages are shown. It is proved that collaboration of massive concrete elements is provided for well-known technical solutions due to fine concrete straps. Such technical solution is related to the construction disadvantage. The authors indicate that damage of fine concrete straps can lead to the destruction of the whole bank protecting device. The researchers suggest the development of the construction due to strengthening bank protecting device in the zone of fine concrete straps. It is suggested to use pliable metallic strops, located inside textile mats, as inner reinforcing elements for the realization of the project. The paper provides the technical solution, devised by the authors. The developed construction of concrete filling mats will allow upgrading its strength and durability

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Last time updated on 05/05/2017

This paper was published in Elsevier - Publisher Connector .

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