
Selective Energy Neutron Radiographic Imaging Origins and Lessons for Low Cost Systems


AbstractMajor advances in selective energy techniques for neutron radiographic imaging have been demonstrated recently at very advanced, high flux, shared user facilities. The origins of selective energy methods for neutron radiography have been reviewed and options for low cost systems at lower flux, lower budget, single-user neutron source facilities are discussed.An original cold NR Imaging demonstration used a simple filter of polycrystalline beryllium and single crystal bismuth cooled by liquid nitrogen. An expensive refrigerated moderator source block is not essential. A less expensive option omits use of the single crystal bismuth. A low cost boost to cold neutron flux at a low power reactor uses a refrigerated source block of solid methane. For NR Imaging at selective epithermal energies, a single crystal neutron monochromator provides a low cost option. Alternatively a pulsed neutron source and time of flight technique is included in the original reports on selective energy methods.The original demonstrations using low cost systems indicate new advanced selective energy techniques pioneered at high flux sources may be developed at lower flux, single-user sources

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Last time updated on 05/05/2017

This paper was published in Elsevier - Publisher Connector .

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