
An Investigation on the Variables Effective in Predicting Whether Senior High School Student's Attitudes Towards Entrance System to Higher Education are Positive or Negative


AbstractThe aim of this study is to put forth the importance levels of the variables, which are effective in predicting the attitudes of senior high school students on higher education student selection system in terms of classification (positive-negative) effective levels of the variables to determine the importance in the logistics model. The study was implemented on 1051 last grade students attending at 15 public high schools. The data obtained from these students, were examined by using logistic regression analysis. In this way, the probability of predicting students’ attitudes on the higher education student selection system is a positive or not, was investigated which of the variables -gender, parents’ educational status, number of books in the house, the sources of information in the process of the exam preparation, exam preparation time per day allocated, the average number of questions solved in a week, attendance to private courses or not, to take private lessons or not, the two-stage examination system, the frequency of joining social events- make a significant effect

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Last time updated on 04/05/2017

This paper was published in Elsevier - Publisher Connector .

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