Key characteristics symbolic expression in the creation of liturgical space


Polazeći od činjenice da čovjek trajno traži i koristi simbolički način izražavanja, autor u prvom dijelu razlaže opseg i obilježja simbola s posebnim osvrtom na mjesto i vrijeme u odnosu na otajstvo. U drugom dijelu raspravlja o obredu i simbolu što je uvod u simbolički govor liturgijskoga prostora s naglaskom na nužnost liturgijske teologije u ostvarivanju liturgijskog prostora.Starting from the fact that one permanent search and used a symbolic way of expression, the author of the first part explains the scope and characteristics of symbols with special emphasis on the place and time in relation to the mystery. In the second part of the ritual and symbol as an introduction to symbolic speech liturgical space with an emphasis on the necessity of liturgical theology in the exercise of liturgical space

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Hrčak - Portal of scientific journals of Croatia

Last time updated on 30/04/2017

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