Stability In Vitro of Diverse Capacities for Tumor Production and Glucose Metabolism in Three Murine Clones Derived From the Same Celll


SUMMARY-In a previous study on clones of mouse tissue-culture cells that had undergone neoplastic conversion in vitro, a positive correlation was noted between the capacity of the cells to grow as malignant neoplasms in vivo and their glycolytic activities as measured manometrically in vitro. Subsequent to that study, three of these clones, derived in vitro from the same cell, were adapted to protein-free chemically defined medium. The three clones after 5-8 years of culture in serum-containing medium and the derived strains in chemically deAned medium were reexamined to see if their diverse capacities for tumor production and glucose metabolism were stable and correlated properties. In five of the six clones or strains a remarkable stability was noted. The one exception in chemically defined medium had retained a low glycolytic activity but showed an increased tumor-producing capacity that may have been associated with changes in antigenicity. Certain of the glucose oxidation enzymes of the three strains in chemically deAned medium had also remained fairly stable in activity as compared with the earlie

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Last time updated on 12/04/2017

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