Linking technological and educational level diversities to innovation performance


In this study, we explore the extent to which diversity of educational levels among research scientists and engineers (RSEs) in the context of a firm???s level of technological diversity influences innovation performance. We used data from the 2004-2008 National R&D Survey in Singapore. The results from 366 firms across different industries indicate that when a firm???s technological domains are heterogeneous, those firms with an RSE workforce comprising similar educational levels have positive innovation performance, measured as the number of patent applications, while those comprising diverse educational levels have negative innovation performance. Our further exploration of the positive interaction between technological domain heterogeneity and similarity of educational levels suggests that firms that had a high ratio of RSEs with lower educational levels had more positive patent outcomes compared to those that had a high ratio of RSEs with higher educational levels. The results show that there are limits to the strength of technological diversity in a firm???s absorptive capacity as explained by organizational

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Last time updated on 12/04/2017

This paper was published in ScholarWorks@UNIST.

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