Planck-Scale Gravity Test at PETRA


Quantum or torsion gravity models predict unusual properties of spacetime at very short distances. In particular, near the Planck length, around 1035^{−35} m, empty space may behave as a crystal, singly or doubly refractive. This hypothesis, however, remains uncheckable for any direct measurement since the smallest distance accessible in experiment is about 1019^{−19} m at the LHC. Here we propose a laboratory test to measure space birefringence or refractivity induced by gravity. A sensitivity 1031^{−31} m for doubly and 1028^{−28} m for singly refractive vacuum could be reached with PETRA 6 GeV beam exploring UV laser Compton scattering

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DESY Publication Database

Last time updated on 28/02/2017

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