A phenotype map of the mouse X chromosome: Models for human X-linked disease


The identification of many of the transcribed genes in man and mouse is being achieved by large scale sequencing of expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Attention is now being turned to elucidating gene function and many laboratories are looking to the mouse as a model system for this phase of the genome project. Mouse mutants have long been used as a means of investigating gene function and disease pathogenesis, and recently, several large mutagenesis programs have been initiated to fulfill the burgeoning demand of functional genomics research. Nevertheless, there is a substantial existing mouse mutant resource that can be used immediately. This review summarizes the available information about the loci encoding X-linked phenotypic mutants and variants, including 40 classical mutants and 40 that have arisen from gene targeting

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The University of Manchester - Institutional Repository

Last time updated on 01/02/2017

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