Siloxane antiferroelectric liquid crystalline dimer exhibiting two field-free zero birefringent states.


We studied the optical and electro-optical properties of a siloxane antiferroelectric liquid crystalline dimer exhibiting a large molecular tilt that reached a maximum value of 53°. When the molecular tilt angle in the antiferroelectric phase exceeded 45°, it was found that the field-free position of the slow vibration direction, which corresponds to the largest refractive index, flipped from a position along the smectic layer normal, to a position perpendicular to it. When the tilt angle became 45°, a zero birefringent state, which was theoretically predicted by de Meyere in 1996, was also found to occur twice in the antiferroelectric phase of the siloxane dimer

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Chalmers Publication Library

Last time updated on 19/11/2016

This paper was published in Chalmers Publication Library.

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