Is the Fear of Privatization Justified?


Debates in and around parliament on draft laws on property, land, local economy, and self-management have clearly shown that the property category with all its definitions remains for us the thing in itself. Property in our thinking is identified with the property content of appropriation. Moreover, even such categories as stocks, monetary resources, etc., are in fact elements of society's abstract wealth that do not contain a single grain of natural matter. They are not property but merely financial documents that guarantee the right to appropriate a certain property. Under conditions of highly developed credit, this right becomes an independent object of appropriation and the most characteristic [object of appropriation], vis-à-vis which property appropriation becomes a subordinate element of dominant relations of general borrowing of property rights. >i>Modern society deals not with appropriation through alienation but with appropriation through borrowing.>/i>

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Research Papers in Economics

Last time updated on 06/07/2012

This paper was published in Research Papers in Economics.

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