Direito e espa??o p??blico no Mercosul: uma utopia realista?


Por volta dos anos oitenta, como resposta aos desafios da crescente globaliza????o e pelas dificuldades que enfrentam as economias nacionais em desenvolvimento, para enquadrarem-se ao novo cen??rio econ??mico internacional, produziu-se processos de integra????o regional na Am??rica Latina. Em 1991, criou-se o Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL), atualmente composto por Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai como membros plenos - Rep??blica Bolivariana da Venezuela em fase final de ades??o ao Bloco -, mais Bol??via, Chile, Col??mbia, Equador e Peru como membros associados. Este projeto de integra????o regional tem sido na, sua maioria, processos intergovernamentais com objetivos essencialmente econ??micos: uns pretendem acordos de livre com??rcio enquanto outros planejam alcan??ar n??veis mais profundos de integra????o, como uni??es aduaneiras ou mercados comuns. Ocorre que, com o tempo, os grupos, organiza????es e redes da sociedade civil foram se multiplicando e adquirindo lugar no processo de integra????o regional MERCOSULino. Em resposta a essas press??es da sociedade civil, criaram-se mecanismos consultivos com a finalidade de possibilitar uma maior participa????o das organiza????es e das redes sociais. Prima-se por alavancar esse processo de desenvolvimento, por??m precisa-se n??o s?? o acelerar das quest??es de mercado, mas que este processo se desenvolva com justi??a social, e para isso precisa, cada vez mais, democratizar-se, legitimar o processo atrav??s da participa????o da sociedade civil. No MERCOSUL existe o Foro Consultivo Econ??mico e Social (FCES), que abre espa??o de forma direta para a participa????o social. Este ??rg??o ser?? analisado no presente trabalho, verificando-se, por conseguinte, suas defici??ncias e tamb??m a sua contribui????o para a forma????o de uma esfera p??blica no MERCOSUL. Essa esfera p??blica regional seria acessada por meio da legitima????o e representa????o social, amplia????o e democratiza????o dos f??runs (como esse o FCES) de decis??o pol??tica, instituindo uma cultura p??blica que supere o poder burocr??tico do Estado, o autoritarismo social e a cultura privatista de apropria????o do p??blico pelo privado. Com o trabalho, conclui-se que ?? preciso a continuidade dos esfor??os na cria????o desta esfera p??blica, de uma maneira discursiva/reflexiva, mesmo no interior das m??dias, aliando princ??pios reconstru??dos da modernidade em crise, tais como o princ??pio da publicidade e da transpar??ncia p??blica das decis??es e, tamb??m, com pressupostos de cria????o de um espa??o p??blico regional, ut??pico realista.Around the eighties and as an answer to the challenges of the growing globalization and for the difficulties that face the national economies in development and for being framed to the new international economical scenery, they were produced processes of regional integration in Latin America. In 1991 the market common of the South MERCOSUL was grown up the Market Common of the South (MERCOSUL), now composed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay as full members and Republic Bolivariana of Venezuela in finaly process to agree at the group, more Bolivia, Chile, Equador, Colombian and Peruvian as associated member???s. This project of regional integration has been in its majority, processes intergovernmental with objectives essentially economical: some of them intend free trade agreements while others plan to reach deeper levels of integration, as union???s custom or common markets. Along the time the groups, organizations and nets of the civil society were multiplying themselves and acquiring place in the process of regional integration in MERCOSUL. As a response to those pressures of the civil society advisory mechanisms where grown up with the purpose of making possible a larger participation of the organizations and social nets. They excel for going ahead the process of development, however it is not necessary just accelerating of the market subjects but that this process grows with social justice, and for that it needs more and more to be democratized, for legitimating the process through the participation of the civil society. In MERCOSUL there is the Economical Advisory Forum and Social (FCES) that opens space in a direct way for the social participation. This organ will be analyzed in the present work, being verified your deficiencies consequently and also your contribution for the formation of a public sphere in MERCOSUL. That regional public sphere would be accessed through the legitimation and social representation, amplification and democratization of the forums (as that FCES) of political decision, instituting a public culture that overcomes the bureaucratic power of the State, the social authoritarianism and the privates culture ofthe public's appropriation for the private. With the work, it is concluded that is necessary the continuity of the efforts in the creation of this public sphere, with manner discursive/reflexive , even in medias adding reconstructed principles of the modernity incrisis, such as the Principle of the Publicity and of the public transparency of the decisions and also with presupposed of creation of a public regional utopian realist spac

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