As representa????es do crack de estudantes do ensino fundamental no munic??pio de Rio Grande-RS


presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representa????es sobre o crack de crian??as e jovens estudantes do Ensino Fundamental no munic??pio de Rio Grande, RS. As atividades de pesquisa de campo se realizaram em duas etapas distintas, sendo: I) A aplica????o de um question??rio junto a uma turma da 5?? s??rie de escola p??blica; b) A montagem de um grupo de Oficinas de Teatro, composto por estudantes de diferentes escolas p??blicas, utilizando registro audiovisual de esquetes teatrais criadas. Os question??rios e as esquetes teatrais foram analisados a luz da Teoria das Representa????es Sociais e das contribui????es da de Henri Lef??bvre. Como resultados e discuss??es da pesquisa, nas representa????es encontradas em rela????o ao crack, foi poss??vel perceber objetiva????es, as quais, indicam que os processo de subjetiva????o midi??ticas est??o, atuando de forma hegem??nica instituindo o paradigma da guerra contra as drogas, o qual, ancora imagens do e em torno do crack, relacionando-as com imagens de viol??ncia e de estere??tipos sociais. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa descobriu que os usu??rios s??o representados pelas crian??as e jovens como drogados, ao mesmo tempo, clientes dos vendedores de drogas. Contudo, sem serem criminalizados, mas, representados, ora como sujeitos pass??veis de interven????o social e cl??nica, ora, pass??veis de degenera????o social e de viol??ncia. Como principal achado, destaca-se que a imagem do dinheiro foi percebida, como estando ancorada junto ao n??cleo gerador das representa????es, promovendo conflitos ??ticos e morais, em rela????o ao crack no cotidiano, junto ao imagin??rio e as atitudes representadas pelos estudantesThis scientific research aimed to investigate the representations of the crack of children and young elementary school students in Rio Grande, RS. The activities of field research was conducted in two stages, namely: I) The application of a questionnaire to a class of fifth grade at a public school, b) assembling a group of Workshops Theatre, composed of students different public schools, using audiovisual record of theatrical sketches created. Questionnaires and theatrical sketches, were analyzed in the Theory of Representations and the contributions of Henri Lefebvre. As the survey results and discussions on the representations found in relation to crack, it was possible objectivations, which indicate that the subjective process media are acting in instituting the hegemonic paradigm of the war on drugs, which anchors images in and around the crack, linking them with images of violence and social stereotypes. In that sense, this research found that users are represented by children and young people as drug addicts, while customers of drug pushers. However, without being criminalized, but represented either as individuals subject to social and medical intervention, sometimes liable to social degeneration and violence. And, as the main finding, the survey shows that the image of the money was perceived as being anchored near the core generator of representations, promoting ethical and moral conflicts in relation to the crack in everyday life, with the imagery and attitudes represented by the student

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Last time updated on 10/08/2016

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