Economic viability of pecan walnut in the legal reserve areas or permanent preservation


Na regi??o Extremo Oeste Catarinense predomina a Agricultura Familiar, empreendimentos agropecu??rios que vem tendo dificuldades para se adequar a legisla????o ambiental atual, principalmente no que tange a Reserva Florestal Legal e a recomposi????o das ??reas de preserva????o permanentes. Desta forma, destaca-se a necessidade de analisar e propor alternativas para a continuidade e manuten????o das fam??lias com o devido zelo e manuten????o dos recursos naturais. A grande dificuldade est?? relacionada a necessidade de se abandonar sistemas de cultivo presentes nessas ??reas protegidas por lei, onde predomina o cultivo de milho e soja, o que acarreta perdas de car??ter econ??mico pela n??o utiliza????o dessas ??reas. A legisla????o atual prev?? algumas particularidades para recomposi????o de ??reas de reserva florestal legal e de preserva????o permanente em propriedades ou posses rurais familiares. Dentre estes, destaca-se a possibilidade de utiliza????o de ??rvores frut??feras ex??ticas n??o invasoras, para recomposi????o da reserva florestal legal e em sistema agroflorestal, nas ??reas de preserva????o permanente. Este trabalho objetivou analisar a viabilidade econ??mica da implanta????o de um cultivo de nogueira pecan em ??reas de reserva legal e de preserva????o permanente. Foi constatada a viabilidade econ??mica na utiliza????o da nogueira pecan em recomposi????o de reserva florestal legal e em sistema agroflorestal nas ??reas de preserva????o permanente. Assim como a cultura mostrou-se altamente lucrativa em rela????o as culturas tradicionalmente produzidas na regi??o Extremo Oeste Catarinense.In the West region of Santa Catarina State, Brazil dominated by family farming, agricultural enterprises have found difficulties to get legalization due to current environmental legislation, especially regarding the Legal Reserve and resetting of permanent preservation areas. Thus, there is a need to analyze and propose alternatives to the continuation and maintenance of families with proper care and preservation of natural resources. The great difficulty is the need to abandon farming systems in those areas protected by law, prevaling in corn and soybeans, which causes an economic loss by not using these areas. Current legislation provides for recovery of some specific areas of legal forest reserve and permanent preservation of rural family property or possessions. Among these, there is the possibility of using non-invasive exotic fruit trees for restoration of legal forest reserve and agroforestry systems in the areas of permanent preservation. This study aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of a walnut pecan growing areas of legal reserve and permanent preservation. Economic viability was observed in the use of hickory pecan in restoration of legal forest reserve and agroforestry systems in the areas of permanent preservation. The culture was highly profitable in relation to traditional crops produced in the Far West region of Santa Catarina

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Last time updated on 10/08/2016

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