"Sigil" for chamber orchestra


A sigil is a small symbol or rune believed to hold magical energy. In this instance, the "sigil" is a five-note motive, which emerges from repeating notes in the brass and oboe in the first few moments of the piece. This grouping of pitches not only becomes the building block for all of the melodic figures in the work, the harmonic components are derived almost exclusively from this motive as well. Utilizing this same basic material on many different levels throughout, the work also expresses a character of energetic and perpetually unfolding development of a musical idea. Throughout the piece, the motive occurs at varying speeds and intensities, until the climactic section in which all of the previous speeds occur simultaneously, with the brass interjecting chordal presentations of the motive

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DSpace at Rice University

Last time updated on 11/06/2012

This paper was published in DSpace at Rice University.

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