Colonel George W. Jackson, 9th Cavalry, 121st Indiana Infantry; Lieutenant Colonel Eli Lilly, 9th Cavalry, 121st Indiana Infantry


Jackson and Lilly wear Union military uniforms. Both men are sitting. Written in ink on the reverse side is "Col. G. W. Jackson/ Lt. Cl. Eli Lilly."1860s (1860-1869)600ppiCivil War Military FrontDC046This Civil War Military Front collection was funded by LSTA. Jackson enlisted as a 2nd lieutenant in September 1861. He was promoted to 1st lieutenant in April 1862, captain in May 1862, lieutenant colonel in September 1863, and then colonel in April 1864. Lilly enlisted as a 2nd lieutenant in July 1861. He was promoted to captain in August 1862 and then to major in June 1864

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Indiana Historical Society Digital Image Collections

Last time updated on 11/06/2012

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